Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas And Moles?

I just happened to be at our daughter and her family's' home when who should appear? Santa!
The youngest grandchild, Little J, was quite taken with Santa.
Three of the four children in the house were awake and got to sit on Santa's lap, but our oldest grandchild was fast asleep.Maybe he knows Santa can't leave the gifts until all the children are asleep. He was right too. Santa gave the children some candy and told them to get to bed so he could leave their gifts, then Santa was off ...
Little J runs to the window to see where Santa has gone.
On Christmas Day our daughter and her family came to our home to celebrate. My husband ( he kind of looks like Santa, doesn't he?) carved up the turkey, one of our home grown Midget Whites , made ready just the day before. Turkey and ham , mashed potatoes, coleslaw,won-ton soup ( you don't have won ton soup for your Christmas dinner?) lefse, and so many other yummy things to eat ! When it came time for the family to go next door to my husband's sister's home for dessert Little J had just fallen fast asleep. I stayed at home and kept the fire going while he slept, enjoying the quiet and watching our youngest grandchild. There is nothing as peaceful and tender as the sight of a sweetly sleeping child. Later on the rest of the family returned. We played games ( WII ) and ate more food. I got to cuddle my grandchildren , enjoy watching the family play together, laugh together, remember how much I appreciate all God's blessings, and not take for granted food, home, health, loved ones. ( pictured above, our daughter and her youngest daughter) Now for an announcement, Vickie of Sand Flat Farms* has won! She beat us in the Underground Varmint Termination Contest *!She whupped us big time!!!! Vickie trapped 25 groundhogs ( well, 26 if you count her cat Jasmine's kill) and my husband Jim only got a measly 10 moles. Even though there is another day to this year, I don't think our one trap will catch enough moles to beat Vickie. So CONGRATULATIONS Vickie, you have won a WHAC-A-MOLE Game ! I tried to find a Whac-a-Groundhog Game, but no luck. ( sigh ) So send me your snail mail address and this game will be yours . I say we should continue this challenge next year, goodness , the moles around here are plenty busy. I still think they are PLANNING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD *. Well, maybe just Cedar Pond!


  1. Good Morning Kathy, What beautiful photos of Santa and the grands. Little J looks so excited ~ little fellow finally could not take another step. He looks so comfortable sleeping by the warmth from the fire. I would like to wish each of you a Happy New Year.

  2. It is a special holiday when you can spend it with family (especially grandkids). I love the idea of keeping the fire going while sitting with a sleeping grandson. Merry Christmas! And may your new year be just as special.

  3. I always enjoy reading your lovely posts, Kathy!
    I like your photos very much, and it's so good to see the children with Santa...:o)! You are very lucky to know him personally...:o)

  4. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Wherever did you find that game!!! OK, we should drop our count back to ZERO, and start over. We've had more rain in December as you can tell by my count... THANK YOU! This was just too fun!

    Kathy, these pics of your Christmas are just precious! It's all about the little ones, isn't it? You have such beautiful grandchildren and I bet it was such a treat to have a real live Santa come visit them! Wow, I never got to do that when I was a kid!

    May the New Year bring you and yours peace, comfort & joy and may the grace of our Lord abound in your hearts! Happy New Year!!

  5. may the LORD keep blessing your beautiful family and our friendship alive.

  6. Looks like you had a warm an cozy Christmas. But now I'm afraid I'll be humming 'I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus' all day!
    Thank you for your comments, best wishes for a joyful New Year!

  7. Ah, Kathy, our Christmases look very similar! With Santa and children and cosy fires, ours was a mirror image of yours. The Great Dane is determined to raise his own bird for next year, although our own hens in the freezer are as big as a small turkey!

  8. It's always good to have Santa come for a visit, I think. (Nice to have him cooking in the kitchen too!) ;)

    Your Christmas meal sounds delicious, Kathy. It looks like you had a nice time with family for the holiday.

  9. Your Christmas looks just about perfect - I know you didn't eat mashed potatoes! but the rest of your family no doubt enjoyed every bite. Glad the little turkeys (poultry kind) were good production. The picture of Little J and Santa another of those moments which catch our breath - a reminder of how each sweet time should be treasured.

  10. Your grandkids look so very happy having such fun with Santa!

    Won-ton soup sounds like a winner to me....and the plate with ham and turkey ...yummmmmm..LOL

    I especially like the drawing and verse that your granddaughter created (on your last post).

    Have a Great New Year!

  11. Great Christmas this year! Hope the years keep getting better!
    Thanks for having us over that day.
    The kids sure did have fun. =)

  12. What a wonderful Christmas. I enjoyed the pictures and the description of little J's zeal for Santa. Kathy, it does seem that Santa shows up wherever you are. Does your husband know that Santa has a crush on you? I can see how you would be attracted to him; he resembles your husband a great deal. But this has to stop! HAHA!
    I like wonton soup!
    Hugs, Debbie
    PS That Vickie is so competitive!

  13. I saw a sign for a mole gathering in our area. They have become organized!

    Your Christmas sounds delightful, as usual. Organizing a few things around here and came across your card for '06 (the big Burnson Christmas tree). What a memory!

  14. Thank you so much for sharing this. I enjoyed it immensely! What a treat for Santa to visit! Have a happy New Year!

  15. What a wonderful Christmas for you! You made me laugh with the whack a mole game..........congratulations Vickie!Just dropped by to say happy new year to you! blessings,Kathleen

  16. I enjoyed seeing your Christmas pictures so much, Kathy!!
    Santa does look very familiar... hmmm..
    Congrats to Vickie for being the Terminator- but also to you too!

  17. Mildred, thank-you. You are right about the little one, he was so excited and active the whole day, then after he fell asleep he was out for the rest of the night!

    Southern Comfort, thank-you. I will always remember this as a special Christmas because of that.

    Timi,Yes, Santa is my very, very, VERY good friend!

    Vickie, I will reset my mole counter and your groundhog counter!This year maybe we will win, if for no other reason than you've already caught all your groundhogs~

    Peregrine Blue, what a lovely wish for me, thank-you friend!

    Susanne, one of my grandkids actually said they saw Santa kissing Grandma.

    Pondside,the first time I read your blog I was struck by so many of the similarities, must be all that living by the pond.

    Daisy, it is even nicer that Santa prepares the turkey from the start, by selecting just the right bird from the turkey pen for the table!

  18. LindaSue, the Midget Whites are worth raising and I think we will continue. I have thought of posting about this but know I need to be "delicate" about it.

    Carol, thank-you. I know you know these moments are so fleeting, and that is one reason I am thankful to be able to blog about them. When I re-read past posts I am struck by how quickly I forget the many small blessings that make up a wonderful life.

    A.Joy, what is Christmas or any holiday without my loved ones? Thank-you for being with us and leaving Little J sleeping on our sofa for me to watch.

    Debbie, SHHHHHHH ! Don't mention this to my husband, I don't think he has caught on yet!

    Lanny, I remember that Christmas, and the tree was a tad bit too big, don't you think? I passed your pasture the other day and I think most of the moles have moved their party there. Maybe you need to enter the 2011 competition with Vickie and Jim~

    Karen, happy new year! Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement, especially in your blog. You make a big difference in my life.

    Kathleen, have you ever played this game? You can't help but laugh when you do! Happy New year yo you~

    Paula, I like that name for her, the TERMINATOR! Ha ha.

  19. Hmmm...is that Santa the one sharing your bed, Kathy? He kinda looks like Santa Jim to me -smile-. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of your family; God's blessings upon you all.


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