Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, January 3, 2011

The New Year Arrives With Fairy Wings

The Granddaughters from the other side of the mountains arrived last Friday to celebrate the New Year with us. As soon as they gave us kisses and hugs they ran upstairs to put on the dress-up clothes we keep in a special box in the spare bedroom. The weather outside has been very cold and the temperatures were below freezing all weekend, but the days were filled indoors with playing dress-up and WII. ( I am so glad my husband and I gave ourselves a WII for Christmas, anyone with grandchildren needs one of these !) Cowboy hats and pink heels are the perfect accompaniment to fairy wings, everyone knows that. Yes, the days were filled with fluttering fairy wings, feather boas, high heels clip-clopping the hard wood floors, pretty dresses and draping tulle. The girls played outside in them,ate meals wearing them, wore them to bed. They did decide it was too uncomfortable wearing the wings to bed though. On New Years' Eve we watched special movies and had a lot of snacks. My husband and the girls got a few WII games in. We had party hats, noise-makers, and poppers. We were all going to ring in the new year before bed.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Hey, wake up sleepyhead.
Look at this , will you? Even the dog won't wake up. WAKE UP !!!!!
One lone little fairy is still awake. We stepped out into the chilly air of the new year and pulled the poppers and blew the horns. We heard fireworks, shotguns, people near by yelling "Happy New Year" ! Then we tucked 4 little girls into bed with prayers , expressing our hopes for this new year, knowing 2010 brought us much to be thankful for and that we are blessed beyond words especially because we know the Maker of time . Happy New Year to you all~


  1. Such a lovely post! My daughter loves to be a fairy too, so I can understand your granddaughters :o)!
    To be a fairy --I think it's every girl's dream...:o))
    Happy New Year!!

  2. We didn't have any beautiful fairies, darnit! We had the flu.
    Did you think this time last year that you'd ever be this happy again? Wow! What a difference a year makes. For us too. Beauty for ashes. Joy really does come in the morning.
    I didn't stay up either; I knew 'neighbor Bill' would wake me up with explosives. He did!

  3. What sweet times. But at first I thought the girls were playing dress up and World War Two.

  4. Pure unadulterated no artificial sweetener needed SUGAR time - seeing those beautiful girls being girly and knowing how much God has blessed them, their loving family and those of us honored to pray for y'all! Happy New Year - yippee
    BTW - I do think cowboy hats and fairy wings are a perfect pairing - but then - I'm from Texas!

  5. Hi Kathy,

    What a sweet post. I love the fairies and or little angels and how you tried to keep everybody awake to bring in the new year.

    I have been thinking about a WII for us too ... maybe even get something with a bit of exercise for us two old grandfolks.

    Happy New Year; I'm glad that you spent it with such fine little people.


  6. Happy New Year, Kathy! What sweet shots of the girls - those are keepers! As I read your words I was once again struck by the difference between little boys and little girls - and because you've had both I know you get it! We haven't had a single peaceful moment, aside from just-before-bedtime. The boys are at full-pitch all the time, going 100 miles and hour. At the end of the day The Great Dane and I are like your dog!

  7. What a blessing to see these darling girls safe and happy with their loving grandparents. Praying many blessings for each of you in the new year.

  8. You are so much fun !
    Can i dress up like a Fairy at your house ? :)
    Being a kid is so fun !
    Happy New year my Dear, to you and your lovely family !
    Love from me !

  9. Oh my.... you have the most beautiful little fairies!!!

    The pictures are so precious.... I love it, even the dog is sound asleep...... except for one little fairy.

    I agree with you about the WII..... we bought one last Christmas, and our grandchildren love it! It's wonderful for the inside days..... when the children can't go outside.

    Blessings to you my friend!

  10. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time, Kathy! I especially love the picture of all the little fairies "sacked out"! Too cute!

  11. ooooo ... I like that ... The Maker of Time. Nice phrase. Great to be inside knowing you all were just down the road doing the same thing on New Year's Eve! I'd say starting the New Year off with Hawaii is pretty spectacular!

  12. Kathy,
    I love your post!
    Down home goodness in your lovely place. Fairies fluttering about!

    Though it was cold outside, I like how u opened the door to celebrate a happy new year!!!

    Mave u have a fantastic year.
    God bless,
    d from home haven

  13. I wondered about a WII, but our children are growing and leaving - but maybe....
    the sleeping pictures are just too adorable!
    God Bless,

  14. What fun that must have been! I love the dress-up pictures. Happy New Year to you and your family, Kathy! Wishing you all good things. :-)

  15. What sweet fairies! They look like they are having so much fun! It's so funny the way kids can sleep. Glad y'all had fun together!


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