Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Little Family Plans a Party...Tea Time Tuesday

The Little family planned their upcoming Christmas party during tea time today. Grandpa Little and the children especially love tea time when there are sweets to be eaten with tea. The tiny tea set was purchased on one of our many trips to the Oregon Coast. We knew the Littles' would appreciate it.
The Little family live on the bottom shelf of the china hutch in our dining room. You can see the hutch in the back right of this picture.
Mr. Little thinks they need to make sure there is plenty of honey on hand at the Christmas party because after all, they are inviting the Bear family. The Bear family live in the miniature log cabin that sits atop the dining room armoire, and we all know it is very good policy to make the bears at your party happy. The Little children enjoy playing with Baby Bear, and they like sweets as much as he does. They all love to wrestle and play with Grandpa Little and secretly suspect he is Santa Claus. Look at how detailed this tea set is. The rim of the creamer is scalloped. There is a tag underneath the tray that says "MADE IN THAILAND". Every bit of this tea set is so perfect, the little handles could actually be held by tiny fingers, the coffee pot can pour liquid through it's spout. Here you can see the hutch , the Little's home, reflected in the mirror.Please join us next Tuesday for the Christmas party with the Bears' and the Littles'. I hope there is honey... To see more Tea Time Tuesday participants, and probably a lot of Christmas decorating and treats, please click onto the links below~ and enjoy!


  1. One of my favorite posts ever Kathy! That mini teaset is so cute. I can't believe the detail and the fact that the spout really pours. Did you make the pretty rug in the Little's living room?

  2. I really enjoyed visiting the Little's for tea, they are so delightfully charming and look forward next week to meeting the upstairs neigbors the Bears.

    The little tea pot is just lovely, of course it is also in my favorite tea colors blue and white.

    Thank you for stopping by again this week.

    Blessings Kelsie

  3. How adorable! I do love tea sets. My children just roll their eyes anymore when I pick up a teacup and saucer or a new tea pot. It was difficult for me to decide which of your blogs to visit first. I can't wait to peruse them all. May your fellowship with the Lord be sweet during this Christmas season. Thanks for your comments and for visiting my post.

  4. Your littles are adorable! Such a tiny tea set. Now I have to find out about their neighbors, the Bears! Fun! Happy Tea Day!

  5. These are just the cutest little figurines I have ever seen, Kathy. Just look at that precious tea set!...Christine

  6. Thanks for visiting again Kathy. And posting the Little Family because I asked. I love them. Where did you get those cute figures? I love the chair and the sofa, right down to the throw on the back of it. The mini Christmas cards, the gingerbread house. The tea set is precious and that rug is soooo cute, did you make it? I cant wait to see the bears at the Tea Party. I tried to get a gander at the bears in the hutch but couldnt see them, oh you are so tricky Kathyb. I will have to wait, lol...Mini Blessings. LJ ps. The big house is very festive decked out for the holiday season, I love your DR, tree, table and the norfork pine on the hutch.Very, very nice.

  7. I adored this narrative. You really have a storytelling gift! Your home is lovely and the grandchildren will treasure the tea party memories.

  8. Hi Kathy! What a lovely dining room you have! It looks so cozy and Christmas-y and inviting! I'm reading and I'm wondering if your little grandchildren like to get the Littles out and play with them? I'll bet they'd love to anyway. I loved this post - I think it's your best TeaTime Tuesday yet!

    How 'bout I box Miss Alice up and send her your way??? ;) Better yet - I'll get on my tractor and just bring her myself, and we'll move all the manure you want to!

  9. I love your Little family tea party - what lovely miniatures. Your dining room looks beautiful. That blue and white platter is great.

  10. Hi Kathy,

    Oh my gosh ... we even have the very exact same hutch! I love this post and story, but I also love how you keep the Littles in fine style throughout the year. What a wonderful idea. Like one huge doll house.

    Thanks for stopping by to say hello. I am now a follower and have put you under my sidebar favorites so that I can come back to visit soon.

    Merry Christmas,


  11. You have a beautiful Christmas tree!!
    In Hungary, we decorate the tree only on Christmas Eve...:o)

  12. Hi Kathy: Love this post. Your tea set is so cute. Thank you for being a part of Tea Cup Tuesday. You make it so much fun. In answer to your question. My things are all touchable. My Grandchildren can play with anything, unless it can hurt them. I believe people are more important than things. Love you! Blessings, Martha

  13. I love your fanciful post! The Littles are a very kind family to make sure the bears are happy.
    Your little tea set is perfect! I have some too and you have reminded me that I could share them. Thanks.
    Thank you so much for sharing today.

  14. p.s. I love your header photo!
    also, I saw that I was not a follower....GASP! I was sure I was before....
    Anyways, I have "re followed"
    Hugs again,

  15. Oh what fun! This is such a cute post, Kathy. I love the Little family. I bet your granddaughters love it too! :)

  16. What a sweet little tea set! And such fun for the "little people".

  17. I love, love, love your 'Little's family'...... your Christmas tree is so pretty, and I love your hutch.

    I'm laughing like crazy, imagining Vickie riding her tractor across country to deliver Alice and spread your manure. Blog friends are the best!


  18. I did weave the little rug in their home, and my husband and I made much of the furniture in the Littles' home.

    Vickie, if you drive your tractor from Texas to Washington with Alice the cat, you KNOW she has a home here, and of course, the spare bedroom has a double bed for you and your husband who must accompany you here.( even though I know you ladies from Texas are very capable of taking care of yourselves ).

  19. I forgot to mention, the Little family were originally Christmas ornaments my dear Father-in-law gave us many years ago. I believe he bought them from Mervyn's which no longer exists here in WA.

  20. O My! What a delightful post this was!! I really enjoyed it and it brought a big smile to my tired face ( I just got home from work)!

    Debbie @ A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

  21. Hi Kathy,
    I'm sorry I'm late getting around to your post; such a busy time of year! I love the Little's tea set; it's simply adorable and what little family wouldn't love using it? Your story is delightful in every way and I've enjoyed it tremendously! Thank you for sharing and enjoy your weekend.

    Christmas blessings,

  22. how totally adorable. your tree and dining room look gorgeous and i still keep looking at that blog header photo, my favorite.

  23. Oh, my- that tiny little tea set made me squeal, Kathy!! I just love miniatures of all kinds!
    I used to have a doll house when I was little and my Daddy, being a carpenter, made some little pieces of furniture for it. I still have them and they are such a treasure to me.
    Oh~ and I love the little blue roo, too!

  24. Very nice Kathy!


  25. unbelievably precious, kathy! how
    in the world does someone create
    such diminutive beauty?

  26. Hi there, that is the most darling little set of people doing what else? Having a tea party! So cute! You have a great week :D

  27. I just love your little family and your home looks so lovely for the season. I hope You and Your Family have a Very Merry Christmas.


  28. I love the Little so much! I adore the table! What is on the back of the chairs? Thanks for joining me for Tea with such a Honey of a Post!


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