Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, December 6, 2010

Surprises For Me! Tea Time Tuesday

Don't you love GOOD surprises? Unexpected gifts in the mail are GOOD surprises!
I received this elegantly beautiful teacup from LindaSue of Buhl-a-land*, The cup and saucer are made by Royal Grafton, the pattern is 'Majestic'. I think the name fits, the color is a rich red embellished by gold, on white. Perfect especially for the Christmas season~
LindaSue writes a delightful blog about the life she shares with her beloved husband and their animals in Texas. She says life is always good on Buhl-a-Land* because of God's abundant blessings! Another gift arriving by mail is a lovely miniature of 'The Old North Church' , made for the New England Village Series, in 1988. I received it from Mildred at Mildred's Photo For The Day* , and it is very special as it once belonged to her beloved Mother. Mildred knew I would appreciate it after reading another Tea Time Tuesday post in which I featured this church on one of my teacups. You can click here to read it, Liberty Blue Tea Time*. Mildred is a very special and sweet lady who shares her life with her beloved husband , 3 cats, and Harriet...although Harriet is a dog, she is not JUST a dog. You have to read Mildred's blog to know a bit about Harriet! They live in a beautiful home called The Circle Of Love. I made an Oslo Kringle (recipe here*) and had a few pieces with my tea while I thought about the Christmas decorating and gift wrapping. I really do like this time of year. Oslo Kringle is very easy to make, especially if you need a quick and tasty treat to serve unexpected guests. The candy kisses and sprinkles are optional, but so festive, don't you think? Thank-you Mildred and LindaSue, for your thoughtful gifts AND especially your friendship!
To read more wonderful tea time blogs please stop in a visit these ladies~
"There is a mystery to the ways of friendship. Even when two people are willing, friendship doesn't always blossom. Still, when we see a door to friendship open with someone who is already in our lives, we miss by not stepping through. After all, finding a friend is like discovering a treasure. Finding a friend in someone you already love is like finding a treasure in the rafters of your own attic-one of life's most joyful surprises." Emilie Barnes 'The Twelve Teas Of Friendship'


  1. What lovely gifts and fun surprises to receive in the mail, Kathy! Your Oslo Kringle looks delicious and yes the kisses and sprinkles do make it look very festive. :-) I hope you have a great day!

  2. And I promise Mildred and I didn't conspire about our "Mother" gifting! Your blog posts are so thoughtful and tea settings quite beautiful - MIL Ethel would be delighted to see her tea cup enjoyed by a dear sister in Christ of to those of us who live in Buhlaland! Feliz Navidad!

  3. What a spectacular post. Lovely gifts! They just look perfet together on your table. I must try your Oslo Kringle.
    Thank you for your kind comments. They are a wonderful encouragement for me to carry on each week.
    Have a blessed week.

  4. Another beautiful post for me to read as I start my day, Kathy. First of all, the lovely surprises in the mail - how thoughtful!...then the Kringle recipe....I'll give it a try, because it sounds like the sort of thing we'd love with our tea up here!

  5. Good Morning, Miss Kathy B! And may I say that's a beautiful and thoughtful gift from Miss Linda Sue in Buhlaland! What a pretty cup/saucer, and so Christmas-y!

    I think your tea or wassail should taste absolutely magical out of that cup!

    Hope you're having a fine day - the snow is gorgeous, so settle in, snuggle up with those pretty grandchildren, and have a cuppa for me!

  6. Oh I had to comment about the beautiful Old North Church, too. It's lovely and what a nice gift from Mildred - will have to go over and check her out!

    Must try your Oslo Kringle, too! I"m always looking for new recipes for my family! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hi Kathy: Wow, what a beautiful post! Love the cup! The colors are stunning. You set a beautiful table. The church goes perfect. Wishing you all of God's blessing this Christmas Season. Hugs, Martha

  8. You got a beautiful surprise!!!
    And your table looks fantastic! (I mean, what's on the table....:o))

  9. Now that looks like a cup that my dear hubby would use while I sip from my florals....I like it a lot!
    I've posted today about the only cup I own in my collection that doesn't sport pink flowers!

    gorgeous! thanks for sharing!

    I'm #23 on today's list...stop by and we'll do tea!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  10. How lovely the cup is! Oh, I just love the Old Church! I never heard of Oslo Kringle, it looks wonderful with all the sprinkle of kisses! I enjoyed the poem on friendship, like a treasure found in your attic!! I have found many in my old attic and many online. Your friends sound so wonderful, such lovely thoughtful gifts! Yes, I have old spinning wheels, and looms. Hubby was knocking out a wall as I was doing the Tea yesterday. I had a hard time trying to dust as he was taken down sheet rock! We had closed the hallway off the family room, he decided to reopen it. Keeps the traffic out of the parlor. lol

  11. Unexpected gifts from friends are always my favorite kind, they give us such a special little jump to our heart to know we are loved by such special ppl.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog this morning.

    Blessings Kelsie

    I am off to devour your blog about your sheep...We are hoping to add a flock to our property just as soon as the piggy bank will allow :)

  12. What beautiful things you received in the mail. I just love all the pictures you posted.

    I also like your header on your blog.


  13. Hi Kathy,
    What thoughtful friends you have! I love both the church and the teacup! They go well together actually. Your Oslo Kringle looks delicious and perfect for the season. I would imagine tea would taste extraordinary in your beautiful new teacup and it is perfect for Christmas! Thanks for sharing.

    Christmas Blessings,

  14. Oh you are so lucky! Your new cup is an amazing gift, very holiday looking. I think it is beautitul!

  15. such lovely gifts! you lucky girl! the teacup so pretty! perfect for your Xmas! great time to enjoy a cup of tea! thanks for sharing. have a great week!

  16. Wow- what wonderful surprises from your bloggy friends, Kathy!!
    I just love Mildred and Linda Sue to death- they are both such sweethearts.

  17. I love surprises! Your header picture is adorable. The scene looked like a view from our windows this past Saturday. I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season.

  18. Beautiful gifts from dear friends.;)) You must beloved.;)
    I absolutely LOVE the quote in the end of your post..
    So very true...
    Thank you so much for your recent visit.;)

  19. That is such a pretty tea cup! And such a pretty Oslo Kringle! NO wonder you ate it for breakfast nd lunch! Glad we live within walking distance of your house so we can actually sit in the Cedar Pond tea house and munch on goodies and drink tea!

  20. I love Kringle! I was thinking the other day, we hadn't had it for some time and I needed to make up a batch. An inspiration for today!

    Though it was eaten often throughout the year, it does harken me back to snowy days (with hot cocoa) for me.

    I think I'll to the kitchen now.

  21. Hi again - Kathy - thanks for stopping by!

    I have to tell you that I've gotten about 3 more gophers around here. Since we've had a few short rains they are popping up everywhere! I even bought 2 more traps for a total of 5. I've lost a few that have either gone underground with the gopher OR I've forgotten where I put them!

    My friend, I'm afraid that I'm going to beat you soundly in our little contest this year. I've got to update my count again, too, as I've gotten 3 more just this past week! Eeeeek! And it's NOT for the contest - I just want these varmints out of my yard!

  22. Kathy what wonderful gifts to receive. I copied down your recipe it looks yummy. I am patiently waiting for a mini post, lol...LJ

  23. Such pretty gifts! Love your header with the sweet kitty! blessings,Kathleen

  24. Hi Kathy,

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful words on my Greta post. I know what you mean about not being political on our blogs ... I am trying hard to celebrate the positive things around here. Yes, I do love Eloise Wilkin. I have a few of her old books. I did make a slide show a while back. I'll post it on here again soon. Thank you for becoming a follower, that means a lot to me.

    God bless,


  25. Oh, Kathy, your Little family is darling! It brings out the child in me. I could hang out with them all day. And the mini tea set is absolutely delightful! I am so living vicariously through these blogs, as I have nary a Christmas decoration up, yet. I better get something put out soon.

    Very Merry Christmas to you and your family,



A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )