Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Heartfelt Tea Party

Even boys like a good tea party! Here our oldest grandson pours a cup of "tea" ( root beer) for our youngest grandson. Yes, I let even the toddlers drink from my china teacups, and not one of my teacups has been broken by a grandchild thus far.
Our youngest granddaughter is visiting us for awhile and we decided to have a Valentine's Day Tea Party . We invited our daughter and her 4 children for a sweet-filled and fun day.
Our daughter's oldest daughter made these doily place-cards using cut-outs from garden catalogs and pasting scripture from the Bible regarding the word "heart". Have you ever checked out how much the Bible has to say about our hearts? "For God knows the secrets of the heart." Psalm 44:21b
Before the tea party I placed a selection of teacups alongside the frosted cupcakes. I told everyone to select their own teacup....
...so they did.
The table was laden with a simple selection of sandwiches : egg salad, tuna, peanut butter & jelly, and just plain jelly. Obviously, dessert was cupcakes with pink frosting and lots of candy.
Our youngest grandchild chose the yellow butterfly teacup and saucer.
Granddaughter KN chose the pink butterfly cup & saucer.
These two, our two youngest granddaughters, chose the little butterfly handled cups and saucers...
...and spent the rest of the day as best friends, clinking their cups together,talking , laughing , eating, and giggling together....
My featured teacup is Royal Grafton, Bone China, Made In England, and was chosen by our oldest grandson. The Grandson who is already a kind and loving big brother,son, cousin, grandson. The Grandson who is already a hard worker.The Grandson who really loves his cup of root beer, even when it is being sipped out of one of my favorite teacups !
I love having our grandchildren over to play with me. I love watching them grow up and seeing their character develop. All too soon they too will be grown-ups and I hope they remember it is a very good thing to enjoy tea parties sipping root beer, tea, and hot coco out of real china teacups and saucers and eating peanut butter & jelly sandwiches served on fine china with Grandmas and cousins. Maybe one day in the not too distant future they will invite me to a tea party with their children..won't that be a joyous tea party? "So remove vexation from your heart and put away pain from your body, because childhood and the prime of life are fleeting." Ecclesiastes 11:10
I am linking up with these ladies who faithfully host Tea Cups, Tea Parties, and All things tea every Tuesday. Click onto their names and enjoy!


  1. Hi Kathy, What sweet grandchildren and such fun photos of the Valentine's Day tea. What precious memories they will have of sharing time with each other and their grandmother.

  2. My dear friend, that is a lovely collection you have there. The china is nice too! Of course I'm referring to the precious kids! How cute little J is sipping his root beer. Your oldest grandson is becoming quite the gentleman and he's very handsome. I believe they'll remember these occasions forever. Your family has recognized the value of investing time in your children and their children. God bless!

  3. Hi Kathy,
    Everything about this Tea Cup post was wonderful! It is so heartwarming to see and read! This special event that you took the time to create for your grandchildren will surely be something they will always remember. Beautiful in every way!
    Have a wonderful day! With love from the Cabin,

  4. I just love to come to your tea parties Kathy. Your grands are growing up and yes it wont take long but you and they will have such happy memories.

  5. How fun! My parent's and I are getting ready to go spend some time with my niece and nephew. We're starting our journey to the South this afternoon.



  6. That is so sweet, Kathy~ and I love the little "heart" doilies!

  7. These wonderful memories that you're making, Kathy - they will last and last.

  8. Hi Kathy, what a sweet tea party you had with your family! I adore those valentine's!
    Your tea cups are really beautiful. How kind of you to share them with children, not everyone would! But it is so fun to give them the chance to experience the beauty of the cups. I have some really pretty ones for my granddaughters (no grandsons yet.).
    Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  9. Oh, what fun you all had, Kathy! Making memories is so important for everyone. Thanks for sharing your special tea with us. I've enjoyed it very much.


  10. Oh what a neat tea party! And having high tea with the most desirable of guests, too! They are so precious, Kathy, and I know you must just love, love, love spending time with those little angels! They'll never forget all the special times that you both have spent with them. They feel loved and cherished!

  11. Kathy, you are a grandmother like me. My grandchildren always choose their teacup from the china cabinet and love our teaparties.
    The valentine tea party looked like fun and the cupcakes yummy.

  12. Oh Kathy.... I give you the grandmother of the year award. The memories you're making with all of your beautiful grandchildren is priceless.... they will always remember these special times together...
    Blessings to you and your beautiful family!!

  13. What a sweet little gathering. Love the pictures.


  14. such wonderful moments with love ones! love seeing the happy faces of your children! priceless! they are so adorable! thanks for sharing!

  15. What a gorgeous collections and images.

    I do so hope you will pop by and link up to my tea party. There are two fantastic prizes.

  16. Sounds like a wonderful party with great food and great fun with your grandchildren, Kathy. What wonderful memories you are making.

  17. Hello Kathy, Beautiful Tea Party! Your blog is beautiful, I love all your pictures. Very precious memories...
    Have a lovely day!

  18. Kathy, aren't the joys of family too wonderful for words? Your photos of the grands at the tea party are sweet and precious; what grand memories in the making!

  19. How delightful! They will always remember that fabulous tea party. And how precious and pretty the bible versed heart doilies are. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time.

    Thank you for sharing that with us, Kathy.

    Have a happy day,

  20. Kathy, the beautiful times you have with your grand-children could fit easily into a storybook. The setting is gorgeous, and the love flows like the tea from the pots. Your grandchildren (and you) are truly blessed.

  21. What a delightful post! Such love and care~ every child should experience a party filled with great delights and fun. I am just delighted you invited us to visit this fun and meaningful event!
    And I just LOVE your tea cups!


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