Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Friday, February 25, 2011

New Lambs, Can Spring Be Far Away ?

The first lambs of the year!
It is snowing here and we are experiencing record low temperatures for this time of year. Actually, they would be record lows for most any time of the year in this neck of the U.S. Nevertheless, new lambs foretell of spring , and new lambs melt my heart. Aren't they cute? This is Sassafras with her new ram lambs .
"It's winter, and I am bound to squeeze the beauty and life out of every day, to appreciate what is wonderful about it, and to stop my pointless yearning for the mellow days of autumn past or - perish the thought - the distant warmth of spring."Julie Zickafoose ~ 'Letters From Eden '


  1. Good morning Kathy. Ahem...does our visit with you there include 'lamb hugging'? :D

  2. Baby lambs are so cute! I can't wait to see what you name them. I am seeing baby calves in all the pastures around here. I'm glad to see signs of Spring.

  3. Those lambs and Sassafras are just adorable. Thank you for bringing Spring into my living room this morning!

  4. Hiphiphooray! We've six ewes in the barn with lambs, Bet and I had two at once Wednesday and now it seems as if our girls are holding their breath for the rainy weather, which we think is actually harder than the cold.

  5. What beautiful lambs! It's not the season of life for me but I do miss lambing. Perhaps I could find some orphan bottle bums to raise...?

  6. Oh my gosh, Kathy, they are so sweet!

  7. Congrats on the beautiful babies! Hopefully the weather warms up soon for them!

  8. They're so precious..... makes me want to give them a big hug.

    It feels like spring here; I've been planting petunias.
    Hope you have a good weekend!

  9. Oh, good! New, healthy, wool producers! That should keep you spinning.

  10. Congratulations, Kathy B.! They are darling, and with their cute long tails too. (I had forgotten about that part.) Next week should warm up, but it sure is cold right now. I know you are right, spring is around the corner, at least on your side of the mountains. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. real beauties - I so miss having new babies in the pens but being a grown up seems to require me NOT having more animals. Keep putting up pictures please! sorry about the cold spell - not bad here but we've had our share this winter already

  12. How sweet!
    The lambs in our part of the world are still in the barns - the fields are covered in snow.

  13. oh, how cute is that. baby animals remind us of innocence just like children. it's the balance of life and what really keeps us sane and hopeful that "the lion will lie down with the sheep"!

  14. Didn't they say the groundhog saw his shadow and spring would be early? Lambs are so sute...kinda like my new granddaughter....new lambs and new babies sure looks like spring, now if the weather would cooperate.nics

  15. Oh, Kathy~ they are so beautiful!! Their little spots made me *squeeeal*!


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