Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm A Distracted Blogger

When our children grew up and had families of their own, I missed them and regretted the many times I was too busy attending to some things that in retrospect were not worth the time and energy expended. I will never get those days back, and really, would it have been such a big deal if the sink full of dirty dishes and the baskets full of dirty laundry waited while I rocked my little ones a bit longer and read just one more storybook to them? ~"While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about." Angela Schwindt ~ Now that I am a Grandmother,I find I am still a busy lady, but perspective changes some things...I guess that is what the blessing of getting older can do for us. ( Yes, getting older IS a blessing, think of the alternative.) I should have posted about the wonderful Valentine Tea Party I had with 5 of my grandchildren for Tea Time Tuesday, but after all the fun of our tea party, my youngest Granddaughter who is staying with us for awhile and I cleaned up and enjoyed each others company. It turns out she loves to just stay home and play quietly, checking up on me and my husband every so often. She sings to herself while her dolls and stuffed bunny have a wonderful time with her. I love to watch her, sing to her, and cuddle her when she is ready for a snuggle.I even take a few moments to watch her sleep. So, I am now a distracted blogger. My Valentine Tea Party will be posted next Tuesday, but for now there is a lot of cuddle time not to be missed....she is our youngest granddaughter, and growing up quickly! ~ "A child seldom needs a good talking to as a good listening to." Robert Brault


  1. I hear what you're saying! Remember the special times! Enjoy this little sweetheart! God bless you.

  2. Oh, Kathy...
    You are SO right! We must "seize the day" while we can. And that photo of your grand is beautiful. Such wonderful memories you are building with them!

  3. You are noticing what is really important in life. I'm glad that you are taking the time to cherish those moments. These are very special times in your grandchildren's lives. I love the picture.

  4. My parent's and I get to spend some time with my 5 year old niece (she'll be 6 in May) and my 2 year old nephew (he just turned 2 on February 1st) next week so we'll be spending lots of time with family for a family reunion and some time will be spent at Disney World.



  5. You go on, Kathy, and soak up every single minute you can with your little one. THAT's the stuff that life is made of! Little angel....

  6. Kathy, your granddaughter is so precious. Tea parties and blogging can wait- don't waste a minute doing something else when you could be with her! I love to see children that can play so well alone like that... it is so very sweet.

  7. You've got the right idea. I love the sleeping child - and when my grandsons were here at Christmas one of my greatest pleasures was to let one of them, by turn, fall asleep on the couch in front of the tree. I'd do my needlework and listen to the sound of his breathing. It doesn't get much better than that, does it?

  8. You are truly choosing the wiser thing - children are worthy of all your time when you have them with you! Thank you for sharing with those of us not blessed with little ones of our own!!!

  9. The dishes and laundry can and do wait around here these days.

    Sweet reminder to have time with the children.

    Many blessings!
    God bless you,

  10. There's been a little pile of pics on my side board waiting to go up to my office. I haven't had the heart to take them up where they "belong". The top picture on the pile is of Anna holding a baby, and the baby is wearing someones glasses - the baby in my picture is the "baby" in your picture! All sorts of reasons to not attend to things that others - culture- thinks you ought, but deep inside you know better.

  11. What a sweet picture and post, Kathy. I think your focus on spending time with your granddaughter is right where it should be. :)

  12. Thanks for your visit. I love this picture, it says it all and I love that last quote too, too many just don't really listen to children..they have important things to share! ;D

  13. Hi Kathy,

    You are so sweet. I am happy that you are having a nice time with your granddaughter, and I look forward to seeing your tea party next week.

    I feel sad and guilty, remembering when I was a single mom and the times that I yelled at my girls because they couldn't find socks (like it was their fault!), or had to leave my son at home alone as I drove into Bend to attend my college courses.

    Still, they all turned out to be great people, so I'll have to stick with "all's well that ends well"

    Hey, I'd sure love to know the secret of where to look for good historical info in old dictionaries!

    God bless, and thanks for this wonderful post, Kathy B.

    Kathy M.

  14. So true ....so true...they grow up much too fast, and we must make the time to love and listen.

    That is the sweetest picture.....the sweet innocence of a precious little child.....she's beautiful!

  15. Your really hit the nail on the head with this post. That's perhaps why now I'm an overly attentive grandmother! LOL

  16. You are such a good Grand-ma. I felt so much compassion and peace reading your post :)
    I wan to see your Valentine Party and yes, there is more important things. Our families.
    I really enjoyed my visit today. Thank you for the wonderful compliment on my blog.
    Have a good day.

  17. I have been feeling the same way. On the days I have the grandkids I don't do all the task that I would have done if they were not here. We are adjusting quite well and so far I just go to bed early. In 6 weeks I will add a new baby to add to the mix and I hope I won't be to tired.

  18. Enjoy that cutie pie, Kathy. They grow up all too quickly...

  19. She is precious. I can just imagine how much joy she brings you and her grandpa.

    Enjoy every minute Kathy.

  20. Kathy, earlier today I was thinking about you, your grands and the tea parties. Thinking how wise you are to enjoy the grands and teach them about tea, manners, etc. How blessed they are to have you as their Grandmother. Saying a prayer for you and yours and blessing you for remember us in prayer. thank you and God bless.


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )