Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lamb AND Shepherd ?

Our little bottle baby lamb was put outside to romp for awhile, but she did not want to be too far away from us. We're her mama you know, and lambs have at least the sense to know they need their mamas."Baaaaaaaa -(where are you ?)" Oh joy, to kick up her heels and run and run and run, jump and run, then zig-zag, jump and run again! Leapin' lambs,an exuberant expression of the sheer joy of life.
Gotta check out everything, maybe just a little nibble ?
The Bible has numerous scriptures referring to Jesus as "The Lamb of God"."Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." John 1:29 "...and he looked upon Jesus as he walked and said,"behold the Lamb of God !". John 1 34 ~If you have been around lambs for even a little while you know they are defenseless. They rely on their mothers who are also defenseless. Lambs and their mamas need a shepherd to care for and protect them. The Bible calls us sheep and Jesus is our Shepherd. ~"Know that the Lord Himself is God ; It is He who has made us and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture." Psalm 100 :3 ~ Our Shepherd is also a Lamb. The Shepherd who became as a Lamb, sacrificed for our redemption. "...knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers , but with precious blood as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ." I Peter 1:18, 19


  1. What a beautiful and wonderful post you have today. And how beautiful and wonderful is our Shepherd. That little lamb is so sweet; she has no idea does she, how vulnerable she is, but her shepherd Kathy knows. The real lambs at risk are the ones who think they don't need a shepherd.
    Have a great Sunday with Cindy and you little helpers who may be about.

  2. How long will you have to feed her? Will she be able to into the rest of the flock or will they not accept her? Great Post...I like reading those passages about sheep.

  3. Oh, what a joy to have a little lamb like her! I am sure your grandchildren like her too :o)!

  4. Kathy, I never thought about the fact that Jesus is both lamb and shepherd. I mean I've heard all of those references, but never really thought about juxtaposing them like that. Very interesting and thought-provoking post. Love the pictures of the little lamb kicking up her heels!! So sweet! Enjoy your Sunday!

  5. Our Good Shepherd definitely is necessary every moment - thank you for sharing pictures of Cindy - she is so sweet and definitely knows who's her mama!
    The imagery of Christ as our sacrifical lamb as well as the shepherd show He is our All in All - good reminders as always. Bless your household this SonDay

  6. What a comforting post today Kathy. Little Cindy makes me smile seeing her little hind legs jump for JOY! Wishing you and your family a very blessed day.

  7. She's cute, I remember those bottle baby days! No more kidding season for us though. Enjoyed this post.



  8. What a great post. I never considered the fact that Jesus was both the lamb and the shepherd. This beautiful, soft, innocent little lamb is such a great symbol for our Lord too--perfect :)

  9. thought-provoking........
    delightful pics of the lamb.

  10. Hi Kathy B.!

    Cindy is so darling. It looks like I'm like others who have commented, are you going to keep her as your pet like a dog/cat or will she go back to her own kind when she is old enough?

    I love how you tied everything into the scripture verses ... it is all so appropriate and such a wonderful message.

    Thanks for saying that you'll think of me when you see M.E. stuff, that is so sweet. I will think of you when I see baby lambs.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Kathy M.

  11. This post was very meaningful to me. More than anything I want to protect my kids and grandkids, but we all need The Shepherd.

  12. I was just thinking this morning what an amazing love God has for us - love the comparison to the relationship between a Shepherd and the lamb to God's relationship with us. I read somewhere about a good shepherd - my heart fills with joy knowing how much He loves us. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post!
    God Bless,

  13. Enjoyed this post, Kathy. He is our Lamb and our Shepherd. And I'm so glad He is!

    Your little one there is darling - I LOVE to watch lambs and goat babies frolic - that's the only word that fits, isn't it? Frolic. That's what I always think of when I hear that word - lambs and kids!

  14. Hi Kathy, your little lamb is so precious. Look for an email from me about mini meets. It explains a lot of what are meetings are about and I hope you find it interesting. L J

  15. Beautiful message Kathy ....

    The little lamb is so precious. I love all the pictures ... he/she looks so happy.
    It's so nice to see these happy pictures and your loving message, as we hear all the world events.
    Thank you Kathy,

  16. Oh my goodness - that is the sweetest thing! You are such a good Mama!

  17. Aww, she is so precious! She is smarter than us, sometimes. We often forget Who we need!


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