Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pray For Japan

I have been watching the news and seeing the devastating waves from the sea wash over the Japanese coast , wrap themselves around homes, cars, anything in their path, and suck them out to sea. I am so sad because I know there were people in those homes and cars who have to be dead.I watched the waves wash over highways where cars driving along them were also swept off and carried into the sea. ..."who enclosed the sea with doors, when bursting forth , it went out from the womb.." God - Job 38:8 "Of old Thou didst found the earth, And the heavens are the work of Thy hands, Even they will perish, but Thou dost endure ; And all of them will perish, but Thou will endure; And all of them will wear out as a garment, Like clothing Thou will change them, and they will be changed, But Thou art the same..." Psalm 102:18 The Japanese people have prepared their country better than any other on earth to withstand earthquakes and tsunamis, but the mighty ocean is more powerful than any human can prepare for when its' power is unleashed.I am hearing on the news now a whole town in Japan has been swept away and the Japanese Prime Minister is exhorting the Japanese people to help each other. Pray for Japan. "..O God of our salvation, Thou who art the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea; Who dost establish the mountains by His strength, being girded with might ; Who dost still the roaring seas, The roaring of their waves, And the tumult of the peoples, And they dwell in the ends of the earth and stand in awe of Thy signs. Thou dost make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy." Psalm 65:5-8


  1. I have not had the tv on in days until now...oh, how very sad.

  2. I'm with Mildred... I didn't even know about it until a few minutes ago when I turned on the TV for the first time in a couple of days... how terrible.
    They definitely need our prayers.

  3. I pray too Kathy, for Japan and Hawaii.I'm glued to the news right now.

  4. Such sad news. How frightening it must be to be there.

  5. Hi Kathy, I know this is absolutely horrible. My friend wrote this on Facebook: "There was a Yahoo article pointing out the March 19 the Moon will pass very very close to the Earth and the gravitational forces may wreak more havoc. This may be the start."

    More farmland is devastated, among everything else. I feel so bad for the Japanese people. I'm praying.

  6. Watching with sadness and with prayers. :o(

  7. We are praying for that devastated country.

  8. Amen! Japan truly needs our prayers. Please pray for those of us that live on the west coast of California also.

  9. Prayers for everyone involved!



  10. Japan and the other areas in the path of the tsunamis are in our prayers. God Bless them all.

  11. I join with many others in praying for the people of Japan. The devestation is truly sobering and there is much suffering going on as it still is in Haiti.

  12. Hello dear Kathy,

    Yes, how sad! May God indeed be with the folks in Japan!..,

    I also loved your post about the dear little bottle fed, lamb-y of yours and most of all your reference to the lamb of God!.., Your post brought tears of gratitude to my eyes!

    Thanks for visiting and joining us for last week's TTTT and also for my 73rd, 'Tuesday Tea For Two', as well..,

    Your teatime with blue and white dishes entitled; 'Goldilocks Came For Tea', was just so adorable with those dear little teddy bears and goldilocks doll! ~ Pure, whimsical delight!

    ~ (Also, my apologies;I was out of my office and therefore unable to pop by until now).

    Have a wonderful week ahead!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  13. Kathy, My heart goes out to these precious people. I join you in prayer for Japan.

  14. Absolutely horrible and I cannot comprehend the devastation.

  15. Hi Kathy - this was such a devastating natural disaster. I am so sad for the people who died and those loved ones left behind. These lives have changed forever. And the bad stuff will last a long long time as they try to recover. I'm praying for them...


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