Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Frogs & Fairies ?

Cedar Pond is a small pond, but big enough to have a tiny island in the middle. This little island is rarely visited by us and requires a boat ( albeit a very small boat ) ride. The grandchildren all covet that special ride to the island and when on the island , they have to explore thoroughly. You never know what you might find there, a frog or a fairy, and adventure is always there for anyone with imagination. Poppa came home early on sewing day. KN was almost finished with her sewing project and she said excitedly "Maybe he will take me on a boat ride around the pond!" The sun was shining and warming Cedar Pond after weeks of non-stop rain. How could he not celebrate such good weather with his granddaughter? We drained the little boat of many inches of rain water and Poppa and KN paddled around the island in the pond. Poppa chose this time to plant some little trees on the island. KN tied the boat to a tree while she and Poppa explored the tiny island. KN was thinking about fairies and looking for frogs.
Could there be fairies here? Such a miniature and complete little world, just on the other side of the island.Often overlooked, rarely disturbed, perfect.
There are holes and little doors all 'round this stump. Fairies and frogs would rejoice in such a shelter, don't you think? Ferns to shade and hide a secret entrance, the pond at the door , the sun on the side . Rarely trod by human feet. Places to float a fairy boat, especially one made of fir cones and feathers. Safe harbors in the miniature coves formed by water-sodden moss covered logs framed by Lily of the Valley and ferns.
"Happiness flutters in the air whilst we rest among the breaths of nature." Kally Scheaffer "The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful." e.e.cummings "Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God." Job 37:14
* This past week I have been having trouble with our internet provider , the service has been down, missing, AWOL, zilch, when I have attempted to post or comment. This coming week I have family responsibilities to attend to, but will hopefully be able to read and comment on many of my favorite blogs nevertheless. Thank-you again for taking a moment of your precious time to read musings on our little spot here on Cedar Pond.


  1. Beautiful pictures of the island, Papa and KN. The sunlight on the ferns is so pretty. Wishing you many blessings in the week ahead.

  2. I don't think I could resist visiting this special place. I can see myself visiting early in the morning when it is really quiet and really fresh. Very special, thanks for showing us.

  3. I'd want to visit that island - perhaps the fairy boats will come to Texas and bring me there?

  4. Well, even if she doesn't find any fairies, at least she knows how to paddle a boat!

  5. That definitely looks like a place where fairies and frogs would like to be. Very magical looking. :) I'm sure your granddaughter will remember visiting the island with her grandpa for many years to come.

  6. Nice pictures and how fun!



  7. I want to be your grandchild!!
    This post leaves me teary eyed ... the love and beauty of nature and family ..is just awesome.... thanks for sharing these sweet and beautiful pictures of love.

  8. Kathy -- I think it also looks like a place a troll could come to love :)

  9. If there area fairies, they're definitely on that island!
    We've been having problems with blogger up here - I lost many comments on my last post.

  10. The rainless days this week were glorious were they not! We were having trouble with internet as well this week, bad enough when I want to have some "sit down and read blogs" time but also frustrating when needing to access information about mixtures, temps and such things that I have come to believe are always there!

    I'm so glad that KN had such a fine opportunity to enjoy the sunny day with her Poppa and imagine what the frogs and fairies have been up to lately on their island.

    Not sure I'm quite with ee and his "mud-licious" right now, maybe later on, round 'bout August!

  11. Absolutely Beautiful! Oh, the blessings of The Lord and the beauty of creation.

  12. Hi Kathy,

    What a magical place you have there. I love how you guys are all about creating memories.

    I see lots of stuff going on in the 5th picture down ... fairies, faces and more. Way cool. Thanks for sharing and bringing up the subject.

    Have a wonderful week,

    Kathy M.

  13. The enchanted little island! I think I saw a fairy in the picture.

    There is something magical about water. Your grandkids are lucky to have a spot like that, to let the imagination soar.

  14. I wish I had a pond to take my grandkids in. Kids and water just go together somehow Have a great week!

  15. Such a magical island!! I bet there are fairies along with those frogs for sure....

  16. What a lovely place! I'm thinking I could really love living near the water!
    Your precious granddaughter will always remember her sewing lessons with you! My granddaughter and I love baking together--hopefully we will be doing a lot of it this summer!


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