Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Scenic View On The Way Home ~ HOME !

My traveling companions Beatrix and Hawk peer from the back of my car as I take a walk down to the scenic view outlook.We have been gone for more than a week visiting the granddaughters who live 6 hours away on the other side of the mountains. On the way home I stopped to buy coffee for me and cheeseburgers for the 3 of us. Hawk and Beatrix look forward to their plain cheeseburgers! I also took time to take in the beauty of the mighty Columbia River across from the Wild Horse Monument just over the bridge from Vantage, Washington. Breath-takingly beautiful .The scenery here seems almost barren, yet just a few miles from here the freeway heading home takes me through the highest snow-capped mountains filled with lush vegetation and evergreen trees, then down into King and Pierce Counties in Washington where there is so much green it makes my heart sing ! I do love the place I live ~ even the rainy days, especially the rainy days. Hawk , Beatrix, and I will be much happier to get home so I do not linger long at the scenic outlook. "Where we love is home.Home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts." Oliver Wendell Holmes I am looking forward to reading and posting blogs again after being away from the internet, but now, a good night's sleep in my own bed !


  1. I am so glad you made the trip and enjoyed time with the girls. Yes, I'll admit; Beau gets a little cheese burger on the road too. And a few fries! He's a great travel companion. :D

  2. Nice pictures! Glad you had a good and safe trip.


  3. What a pretty view, Kathy. It does look quite deserted there though. There's really no place to compare to home. I hope you had a nice visit with your grandchildren.

  4. Home - doesn't word just conjure up so many good and happy thoughts and memories??? Even the word HOME just comforts!

    I hope you had a wonderful time with your little granddaughters and we all can't wait to see and hear all about your trip!!

  5. Missed you, but so glad you've made it HOME safely and had a good visit with the girls. Such special times!!!

    I love the pictures of Beatrix and Hawk....so cute.

  6. Welcome back - I`m sure you`ll have some stories to tell!

  7. So glad you had a wonderful time; it's always nice to get away just as it's always nice to come home.

  8. Welcome back. Looking forward to reading about your experiences!

  9. I look forward to reading about your visit with the grandchildren and I'm happy you are safely back home. The photo of your dogs looking out the car window is so cute, Kathy!

  10. I had been wondering where you were and what you were doing. I'm so glad you made the trip to visit your granddaughters. But, welcome home, I know you are so glad to be back.

  11. Glad you had a fun trip East. We also have family East of the mountains and I always look forward to seeing the monument.

    Years ago my sister-in-law sent me a postcard depicting the horses and I still have it in my office on my bulletin board!

  12. i have been so overwhelmed with the visit from a troubled friend who is leaving for Rome on Monday, thank GOD, close to her daughter. I will tell you all about it in a letter with the care package i am too slowly preparing for you. know that you are thought of, if only in the background for now.

    OH, LIFE'S CHALLENGES AND MESSAGES, SUCH TROUBLED TIMES. Yet, in the midst of chaos i am so blessed to be able to help in some way, aware of the tools that OUR LORD gives me to spread HOPE and Deliverance from existencial pain.

    Know that I am still here for you and by you and know that you are also one of those chosen ones who live in the Light. My token of love will arrive soon if only so you have a part of our togetherness present in a corner of your home.

  13. Glad you had a nice trip. Time with the family is so important but I tell you the older I get the more I love to stay home, lol....

  14. Did you find Paul and I a small piece of land for sale by chance? I am willing to live just about anywhere in Washington when we retire....I really miss home. I like the cute pupy eyes looking out the back window. Glad you had a safe trip. See you in November

  15. What a fun thing to do and the photos look just wonderful!


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