Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Friday, September 16, 2011

Delilah's Rugs ~ Wool Transformation !

I started with her, Delilah, my Jacob / Romney sheep.
Delilah was sheared, her wool was skirted, picked, washed & carded into rovings, meaning the wool was turned into strips ,( shown above) then woven into rugs on my loom.
Here you can see the roving becoming a rug on my loom.
Turning the wool from my sheep into rugs seems like magic.The wool was simply washed and "brushed" to make it ready for weaving. Nothing was added, the wool is still all it was before it was sheared off the sheep ( minus the dirt & debris) , yet it bears little resemblance to the sheep now. I never tire of working with the wool from the sheep I love.Each fleece is as unique as the sheep the wool comes from.I think Delilah's wool makes a pretty nice rug.
"Transform:to change in outward shape or semblance ." Webster's "..be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2


  1. It IS a nice rug!!!
    For me, it seems magic....:o))
    We shear the sheep every year,(well, we only got 2 sheep..) but I can't use the wool...shame on me!

  2. What a great deal of satisfaction you must get from doing a wool project from beginning to end. Your sheep are lovely as are their wool and, consequently yarn. You have a gift for turning it into lovely objects. The rug is beautiful and looks so homey in your picture. Yes, Delilah is a wonderful source of good wood! :D

  3. And BTW; I have no problem at all leaving a comment on your blog. It's easy peasy! :D

  4. You are amazing! I love the fact that you cherish your animals and use the wool to make things that others will treasure as well.You are very special, and very talented.

  5. How fitting that beautiful Delilah would make such beautiful rugs!
    Wonderful job, Kathy!

  6. I love your photos and the rugs are delightful. Such a joy to visit your blog and the music is an added bonus!
    Have a good weekend, Kathy.

  7. Oh she does make a great rug! That sounds funny for me to say that. I love how creative you are Kathy. Thanks for dropping bye and checking on me.

  8. This is such an amazing thing! I love working with fibre...threads...cotton wool whathaveyou...but to actually make your fibre before the act of weaving or crocheting or knitting! NOW that's magical!

    I love this. It really gives you a connected to life feeling!

    thanks so much for sharing...and for your recent visit. Your rugs are stunning!

    ciao bella

    creative carmelina

  9. Kathy, that's beautiful. Quite a process - I, of course, don't know all the process, but it's so neat to see how it started and how it's all finished. Must give you alot of pride and satisfaction in your work! And thank Delilah for us, too!

  10. The change in form from wool from your sheep into a rug is quite amazing! It's a wonderful process, and you are very talented to be able to create such beauty from the wool. I like the verse and analogy at the end. :)

  11. Kathy,
    You make the neatest rugs! I am amazed at how wool can be turned into a sweater or rug. Neat.
    You have a great skill that you share.

    It was fun to pop in on your blog and see what you've created.

  12. How nice! I'm back on blogger now, just have to post some blog posts but it is up!



  13. Wow, the whole process is like magic to me, and so amazing. The rug is beautiful! It must be so satisfying for you,....from start to finish.

  14. Such a feeling of satisfaction you must receive from this entire process! Delilah is darling, and isn't it wonderful and unique that your sheep contribute to the process rather than sacrifice for it! I am not a vegetarian but there is something uniquely appealing to me about this!

  15. Kathy,

    Very beautiful! You are so talented. I would sure like to learn to do that someday. Wish I had my old small loom. I never should have let that go.

    I like the fact that you do a full cycle on the whole thing ... from sometimes hand-feeding the lamb to weaving the rugs.

    Way to go.

    Kathy M.

  16. I, too, find it just amazing that you do the whole thing from raising the sheep to the finished work of art of weaving the rugs. So beautiful. And so is Delilah!!!!! She must be so proud!

  17. absolutely magical - even the terms are enchanting!

  18. Hi: What a beautiful rug! I did not know you did that. Do you sell the rugs? You and your husband are amazing people. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  19. Gorgeous rugs!
    I thought that this year I'd get to see you in action at the fair, but TGD is not allowed to travel, so we're staying close to home.

  20. The rug is beautiful; you and Delilah have done well.

  21. I admire your love and passion for making wool rugs. It is simply unbelievable, to say the least.


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