Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Demolition Duo

Need any demolition done ? Want any fences taken out, trees knocked down, or walls busted?
These are your guys then.Brothers Barbarian & Viking work for hay! ~
I have spent the last few days getting ready for the Puyallup Fair. I am taking Goth, the father / grandfather of these handsome rams, along with a few of my ewes. My husband and I actually gave Goth a bath, so he is a very clean ram, though not a happy ram. If only he was able to understand that when I return home with him from my week at the fair he will be released to spend the fall with the ewes.That would perk him up, especially since he has been trying to remove the fence separating him from them. Meanwhile, my husband gets to stay home and care for the gardens and animals left behind, including the Demolition Duo, also trying to ram down fences to get to the ewes. Anyone out there need a good ram?( Or a one ram demolition crew?) Come on out to the Puyallup Fair if you're in the area and see us in the 'Animals Of The World' barn, be sure to say "hi".


  1. Thanks for stopping by my new blog! We're not breeding goats anymore.

    My profile picture is from last October when I first got my 1st pair of glasses.


  2. Oh how I wish I could come to the Fair, just to meet you.
    A pretty good distance though from south Texas.

    Those are some good looking Rams.
    Have fun at the Fair.

  3. Those are striking-looking fellows!
    Have a great time at the fair - maybe I'll get there next year, but in the meantime I'll look forward to your posts.

  4. They are beautiful but I know how destructive just our buck goats can be and they don't have those huge horns! You will have to post some pictures of their demolition projects so I can show them to my husband when he gets mad at the damage our bucks do! Wish we lived closer, would love to visit you guys and your beautiful animals at the fair!

  5. I wish I could drop by and visit you and see your beautiful sheep! This time of year makes me want to visit fairs and do all the Fall things I can before the snow!

  6. Would like to visit phew alley up fair - those big horns would make me more than a tad nervous -- glad you'll have excellent help at the fair!

  7. Oh, wish I was close enough to say hay.........hi to you! Have fun! I just adore your shee! blessings, Kathleen

  8. WOW those are SOME demolition dudes! They are awesome! That fair would be so fun to attend, Kathy. By the way, How is that Puyallup thing pronounced???

  9. That is a very impressive and intimidating looking demolition duo!!

    Good luck at the fair, Kathy! I hope you have a great time. :)

  10. Hi Kathy! I hope that you get a first place ribbon. I would be worried to hang out with those guys; looks like those horns would really do some damage if they turned on you.

    Have tons of fun this week at the fair.

    Kathy M.

  11. Hi Kathy - had to come back by to learn how to say "Puyallup" - love your song!!! I love it!!!

  12. I am so glad we don't have a ram, but I would like to see yours...:o)!

  13. OH no thank you, very much! Breeding days are behind me for both sheep and horses; the only thing breeding around here are the barn cats.


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