Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Know God Protected Me

~Old style ( best) buckskin Morgan horse, belonging to my neighbor. Isn't she pretty?~
Yesterday afternoon I came inside from my back porch and entered my hall-way to come face to face with an intruder intent upon burglarizing our home. We scared each other, then he ushered me into another room of our home and told me "we have a gun, put your head down and count to 100", whereupon he yelled to his partner and they fled my home. THEY fled my home. I am thanking and praising my God who protected me. My family could be making funeral plans today as the intruders left with a loaded gun. "Do not be afraid of sudden fear, nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes ; for the Lord will be your confidence, and keep your foot from being caught." Proverbs 3:25, 26


  1. Oh, Kathy, how horrible. Thank the Lord that you were not harmed. I can't imagine how you feel knowing that these strangers intent on stealing were in YOUR home. My God bless and comfort you. Sending my love,

  2. Kathy! Are you serious! That is the scariest thing I've heard in a long time.I'm thankful that they left without harming you. Are there any leads on who they were? You have to still be shaken up. I'm praying that peace is restored to you. I'm praying for your continued protection and thankful that you are so blessed. Sending my love, too.Kerrie

  3. Oh, Kathy! This is very serious!!! Someone in your house with gun????
    God did protected you!!! But I don't know what to say...I am shocked!
    Thank God, you are safe now!!!

  4. Wow, He sure was watching over you and protected you! Good Proverbs.



  5. Kathy, Oh My Goodness!!!!! That's absolutely terrifying! I thank the Lord that He protected you and they left quickly!!! I should think that would be the scariest feeling in the world! I'm so glad you are okay! I pray that those two won't be back!!! And may God give you peace that passes understanding. Big hugs coming your way, my friend!!!

  6. That is beyond scary! I am so glad you are OK! I hope the police are able to catch who they were. It is very sad when we can not feel safe in our own homes anymore.

  7. Kathy I am thanking God that you are safe! What a terrible thing to go through - to feel so vulnerable in your own home. I pray that you will find your home a sanctuary again. So grateful that the thieves were moved to leave you unharmed.

  8. Goodness gracious!! That's just terrifying!! Praise God you are safe. So scary. I pray He will continue to keep you safe. Blessings! Kris

  9. When I started reading, I smiled thinking you were going to say a raccoon or something. But I am shocked! And so thankful that you are not harmed and we have every reason to praise God for that! I am thankful for your safety and your life. I can only imagine how your family feels.
    So happy to see your blog!

  10. kathy, i can't believe this. and you were alone yet protected by God'shield. i hope they catch them. kathy, wish i were close by to hug you.

  11. Oh, Kathy, how frightening! I'm so sorry to hear this. Thank God for his protection. I'm so glad that you weren't harmed. Prayers here for you that you can be at peace again and thanks to God for keeping you safe. Hugs to you.

  12. How scary that must have been for you. I'm so glad that he left you alone and just took a few things. You never know their intentions for sure, sounds like he just wanted to rob the house. That man will have to answer to God someday for the horrible thing that he has done.

  13. Praising God with you, Kathy! Truly, I know because this has happened to me, twice. Once was an attempted rape and murder; once while I was asleep in my bed in the next room. God protected me as He protected you; bless His name forever!
    Good locks on all the doors and windows happen next.

  14. Kathy.....I've read and re-read this post, thinking you were joking. I see this really happened......
    Oh my gosh, I can not imagine your fear. I thank God for your safety!!!!!!!!
    This is so scary......
    Do you have a dog in the house? If not, you need a big one.
    So thankful for your safety!

  15. Oh no dear friend - I'm so grateful the Lord's protection was in force - nothing else really works does it? Bless you dear sister in Christ - I am SO very sorry such a thing happened to you!

  16. Very scary! I can't imagine how frightened you must have been. God bless...I know He already has will continue to....

  17. Oh, Kathy. I am so glad that you are okay. Praise the Lord for watching over you, and protecting you. This gives me chills. We had a home invasion a couple of miles away a week or so ago (that lady was okay too).

    I'm sending you a huge hug. God bless.

    Kathy M.

  18. I was just passing through and thought id stop and say hello. Have a very nice weekend everyone. Richard from the Amish community of Pennsylvania.

  19. Thanking God right now for your safety!!! What a horrifying experience. God Bless and Keep you. Blessings, LJ

  20. Oh my goodness! Kathy, I am so thankful God was watching and kept you safe!

  21. Dear Kathy, PRAISE GOD!!!!!! You are safe and very much alive.
    You are blessed and may these criminals stay far far away forever!

  22. Kathy,
    I just read this and I am so sorry. I am thankful that you were unharmed, and praise God! I know this was awhile ago and I only hope that you have regained a sense of peace. I don't know that I could or would. Consider yourself hugged


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