Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Justice ?

One thing I have learned in my life - not to expect justice, or fairness. ~ Life has shown me quite the opposite. Innocent people are often convicted & imprisoned for crimes they did not commit. Unborn babies are murdered because they are inconvenient. Harmless animals and children are abused and killed because they are harmless and vulnerable. The evil commit crimes for which they do not seem to pay, and brag about their gains. Where is the justice? I know people who have gone through terrible injustices at the hands of the very police and legal system they trusted to do right. Shame on you guardians, enforcers, and custodians of the law , disregarding and abusing the very people and children needing you to do what you have taken a vow to uphold ~ justice! "This is a court of law young man, not a court of justice." Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. ~ "The sad duty of politics is to establish justice in a sinful world." Jimmy Carter ~ In many countries now-a-days, as in old times, people are being imprisoned , tortured, and executed because they are Christians and have proclaimed their faith.At the same time I see the unjust, the unkind, the evil-doers, be lauded with fame and fortune. I see those who profit from the pain and misfortune of the innocent have wonderful and happy lives. The unjust seem to sleep very well with no hint of remorse. ( Don't expect any either ) Where is the justice? Justice, true justice , comes from God alone." Evil men do not understand justice, But those who seek the Lord understand all things.Better is the poor who walks in his integrity, than he who is crooked though he be rich....he who turns away his ear from listening to the law, even his prayers are an abomination....the blameless will inherit good." Proverbs 28 : 5-10 ~ "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Thy throne O God, loving-kindness and truth go before Thee." Psalm 89:14 Maybe this is not a comforting post, but I have finally learned life in this world is more often than not, unfair. Good people get sick and die young. Rotten people live long and prosper. Each of us is given a life , our years here are numbered. We will all die, the good, the bad, the indifferent ( did you think I was going to say "the ugly"?). How we live our numbered days here on earth do matter. If we have been unjustly treated and abused, we still have the chance to rise above our hurts and the injustice by choosing to live each day God has granted us for Him, forgiving those who hurt us, and seeking ways to encourage and uplift those in our lives each day. " Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men; knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. For he who has done wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality." Colossians 3:23-25


  1. Good post!



  2. Many years ago when we were young and just starting out, I remember a conversation with an older, wiser couple that stunned me. We were discussing a situation that was going to change the lives of many of our friends, as well as our own. Someone asked the question, "Will 'right' always win out eventually?" Quietly but quickly the answer came. "No. Not on this earth...not on this earth." I was old enough to have already learned this lesson, but somehow it surprised me. I was shaken to think that our day to day lives could change so fundamentally just because one spiteful, mean-spirited person had practiced a life-time of lies and deceit and we had all been taken in by the "charmer". The law was not on our side but upheld the illegal deeds of the "charmer" on the basis of "technicality" of the law. We survived, of course; the rose colored glasses, though, never did quite the job they had done before. There's a better day coming, but we are here now to deal with a broken system, for sure.

  3. Ooh, Kathy. Excellent post. It does, indeed, rain on the just and the unjust. There will come a day when all men stand before God, and for most, it will be the beginnings of torment, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. He alone is just....

  4. I heard a Christian author who was a guest on a secular radio program last week. The host tried every way possible to discredit Christianity and make this man look like a "hater", when he was only quoting God's Word in love. When I was young, pastors and people who followed God's Word were respected.

  5. Oh Kathy, this is such a good post/sermon.
    Life isn't always fair, but thankfully we know this isn't the end of the journey..... we have heaven to look forward to.
    I love the scriptures you've chosen.

  6. Such a lot to think of here, Kathy,and it fits so well with my present preoccupation with forgiveness. Justice and forgiveness are God's - we just have to do our best, be just and forgive as we're told we must, but know that often we'll have to wait for a higher judgement than this earth's.

  7. Life is indeed unfair. True justice will come only at the end of our lives here not during. We have that to look forward to. Well-chosen scripture, Kathy.

  8. I've learned to pray for mercy and grace - justice is not my desire - the Lord alone knows our hearts and the real good or evil to which we aspire.

  9. This is a wonderful post. I am wondering if it was inspired by a quiet time of meditation or if you are letting off steam. Whichever it is, your relief is found in the right place and your counsel is sound. If you watch much news today you realize that 'rights' and 'right' are rarely related!

  10. Yes! Look at how Amanda Knox almost spent her life in prison for a crime she didn't commit, and yet there are people who literally get away with murder.

    BTW, I am violently anti-abortion, and I think one day people will look back at abortion with horror. It is horrible; it's murder.

  11. Good thought out post Kathy. Yes there surely is injustice in our world and we are all touched by it in one way or another probably more than once in our lives. We can only play the hand that is dealt us and know that someday we will be with the Lord and Justice will be served. Hugs, LJ

  12. Kathy, how much this post touched my heart! blessings,Kathleen

  13. Thank you for a great post, Kathy. No life is not fair. Another reason with need the Lord. To see us through and uphold us when things are not fair for us. I like what Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said about how "right" will not always win in this life. The good guy doesn't always get the girl and ride off in the sunset. Hmmm, I'm wondering what prompted this post...

  14. Aside from God, there is, generally, no justice in this cold world. That's been my experience at least.

  15. So true. Where is Justice and where is love? Have people really forgotten that they are but just like us- made of flesh and blood with one heart and two eyes? Seriously, sometimes, I don't really get why people do what they do. Eventually we'll all have to die. So, why not live a happy life, do some good.

  16. It does matter how we live.....I do believe that God will have the final say.


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