Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Puyallup Fair 2011 ~ Fun & Done

The Puyallup Fair is over, and I can say the last 5 days of the fair were fun. Hard work for me and mine, but fun! My husband Jim helped me so much and he also kept things at home in check. Someone has to be home to feed all the animals left behind.Thank-you Jim. Our oldest grandchild C.T. helps me every year at the fair. He looks forward to his time here and he works hard for the privilege. C.T. cleans out the pens in the mornings before the fair opens and sits at the table answering the public's questions about Jacob sheep.He also sweeps around our exhibit during the fair and helps me keep it clean all through the day.You can see my ram, Goth, looking through the bars of his pen.
A view of my little nook of the 'Animals of the World' barn.What is that I see in the back of the picture ?
My grandson, eating a delicious vanilla ice cream cone from the dairy and milking barn on the fairgrounds.Oh so very tasty, and already I am missing a truly good vanilla ice cream cone.( Next year at the fair, for sure!)
Another view of my exhibit at the Puyallup Fair.
Our daughter came for a visit and brought C.T.'s sister.One nice thing about the fair is I get to visit with people in my little area. I also get to see so many people I know , but rarely see,passing through this barn .Of course I have to invite them to sit a spell and visit, that is one of the best perks of being here. The girls, my Jacob Sheep ewes are posing for me. Well, actually, they are lined up and hoping to receive the soda crackers I am dangling overhead. Here from left to right are Buttercup, Mahlon,Thora, and Valkyrie. Then there is Goth. He seemed to strut and pose the whole week,surprising me by being so mellow. He did not ram the bars of his pen. He did entertain us often by kicking or butting his ball, accepting soda crackers, leaning his head into the spaces between the bars for my husband to scratch behind his ears or under his chin.He did not seem to mind in the least the hundreds and hundreds of people taking his picture. Good boy Goth. May you produce many more lambs and be with us many more years. Hopefully we can "do the Puyallup" together again too !


  1. How fun and exciting. That gray emblem of a sheep hanging in your little pen is beautiful. I know you made it, is it hooked? I've always thought going to a farm fair would be fun. The 4-H has theirs here (can you believe it) around the first part of Aug. I can't stand the heat! Angela and I judged crafts there one year and it was fun. I felt too sorry for the kids who didn't win! I don't make a good judge :D
    Still in praise mode over your homecoming survival story! Debbie

  2. It sounds like Goth was on his best behavior for you--that's good. It sounds like a lot of fun and also a lot of work to go to the fair all week like that. Having your husband and grandson as such good helpers means a lot, I'm sure. That ice cream cone looks yummy! :-D

  3. Sounds fun! What a good boy Goth was.



  4. I enjoy reading your post :o)!!! It seems you had great time at the fair :o)!
    Your ewes are beautiful!!! And Goth is fantastic! His horns are amazing!
    The vanilla ice cream cone looks soooo yummy!!! No wonder C.T. likes it so much... :o)))!
    You took so many great photos! Thanks for sharing them!!!

  5. Hi Kathy - aren't fairs so fun! We just had our annual East Texas State Fair - I don't have any animals to show, but we love to go look at all the exhibits and livestock and of course, chow down on as much fair food as possible. Your sheep are beautiful. Goth is awesome - I'll bet you and CT got lots of comments on that big guy all week. Glad you had fun!

  6. Kathy, What a neat booth you had. Your goats are beautiful! You are such a talented lady and amazing how much energy you have!
    God bless,

  7. It sounds like everyone had a good time at your little area at the fair. The line up of ewes is too cute, and Goth looks suitably alarming, even if he did put on his best manners for the fair!

  8. We have so many fairs to choose from here in the northeast and I must say I like Fryeburg Fair in Maine the best. They are all so much fun. The oxen pulls, the shearing, feeding the animals, the exhibits, the entertainment and the crafts. I cant wait till the next one, lol... I would love to go to yours and watch you spin. hugs, LJ

  9. Hi Kathy,

    Wow, what a wonderful post. Thank you for showing us everybody and everything. What a special time for you and your grandson to look forward to each year. Your display is beautiful; so clean. I loved meeting your family and your animals.

    Thanks so much for your visit yesterday; I appreciate your comments very much. Hope you guys have a great weekend.

    Kathy M.

  10. I am just so jealous!!!! I thought I had all the show and fair blood out of my system, and now I'm missing it terribly. It was such hard work, but I loved meeting so many people and seeing everyone else's work. LOVE your sheep, and I can tell you love what you do. That's what it's all about, isn't it???? And you had the best help in the world!!!!

  11. Girl, life just doesn't get any better than family and a great fair!!!

    Your grandkiddos are just beautiful!

    God bless and have an amazin' weekend sweetie!!! :o)

  12. It's fair weekend here in little ole Seguin, Texas...... but your booth looks better than any we have here.

    Your daughter is so pretty..... good looking grandchildren too!!!

    Wishing I had a lick of the ice cream, sure looks good!
    Have a restful and blessed weekend,

  13. Your display is so pretty, Kathy. I can't believe how well the sheep posed for the camera. I will have to try the soda cracker reward with my 2 year old granddaughter!!

  14. You're brave, Kathy, to take your ram to the fair; I'd be concerned about misbehaving on his part.
    Lovely photo of your daughter and grands; lovely photo of the "girls" lined up to receive their soda crackers.
    so glad you had a good, safe time!


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