Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy, Happy Boy. Happy, Happy Birthday!

I started blogging 2 years ago while waiting for this little grandson to be born. I was able to be in the delivery room for his birth, and captured this picture of him as he wrapped his whole , teeny, tiny hand around father's finger.He started life with a tight grasp onto his Daddy. His "Dad"! "Close your eyes, have no fear, The monster's gone, he's on the run and your Daddy's here. Beautiful, beautiful , beautiful boy." John Lennon~ This little grandson, our youngest grandchild, has a father and mother to protect him, love him, and cherish him. He is a delight and truly one of the happiest children I know, and I know a LOT of children!His little heart trusts his Mommy & Daddy completely. He knows the love and adoration of an older brother and 2 older sisters. He is loved, well loved. He celebrated his 2nd birthday with his family ( including 2 Grandmas, 1 Grandpa, a Great-grandma & Great-grandpa) present. More important though, he had his Daddy there to hold him and play with him. Yes, he loves pretty much everyone God has placed in his life, but his Daddy and all his Daddy does is very important to him, that, and being with the "guys", his word for his siblings. Little J's Daddy's eyes light up when he sees his youngest son. Little J's Daddy's eyes light up when he sees any of his children. To be one of Daddy's children and see Daddy's face light up when he sees you must be a real joy, and surely makes a little one's heart happy.
Our prayer for him "Hear , O sons, the instruction of a father, and give attention that you may gain understanding. For I give you sound teaching ;...." Proverbs 4:1,2 Little J, God has given you parents to teach you God's ways. You are so blessed, and so are we. I love you little one. Your Mommy's Daddy loves you little one.Happy Birthday!


  1. Little J is a beautiful boy! And it is beautiful to see how much he is loved. Happy Birthday, Little J.

  2. I have been "following" you since before he was born and it has been a joy to watch him learn and grow. What a blessing he is to the entire family.
    Wishing all of you a great weekend Kathy.
    p.s. I love your new header pic of the granddaughters.

  3. What a precious little guy he is! And what a blessing to grow up in a family where honoring God is first and foremost.

  4. Happy birthday Little J. I'm glad your story is filled with family love. Many happy birthdays to come. You are very special indeed.

  5. Thanks for this post and the photos. This really sums him up. He loves the 'guys' and his 'Main Man' as he calls Daddy. Right now as I type this he's waiting for Daddy to drive in from work. He's such a fun little guy and I'm excited to enjoy life with him for many years to come. Also, I really like the header photo!!!

  6. Hope his birthday was a wonderful one. Very sweet pictures and memories, Kathy.

  7. What a sweetheart you have there in this grandson!!!

    God bless,

  8. I love the header! And this is such a cute little guy...nothing like loving on them is there?! :D

  9. Happy belated birthday to J!


  10. That's it - I just have to start following so that I don't miss any more posts.
    Happy Birthday to your little grandson - he is blessed, for sure.

  11. Dear Kathy,
    thank you for popping over my blog so that i could discover yours.
    Little J is a handsome and lucky little boy surrounded by the love of his family and those around him. what a blessing.
    love the tea cups in your previous post. soooooooooooo precious! thanks for sharing!


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