Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tea Party Tuesday , Cookies On A stick For Tea!

Tea Time Tuesday is what I call Tuesdays now-a-days. We are always thinking about the fun time we will have for this day. Our oldest granddaughter chose the tea time recipe and type of tea for the day. Cookie on A Stick ( from the Paula Deen Cookbook for Kids ) and "regular tea with sugar " in the teapot. I brought out a few teacups and let our oldest and youngest granddaughters choose which they would prefer to drink their tea in. I have always felt children can appreciate fine china and lovely place settings every bit as much as adults and can usually be just as trusted with china if taught well when they are young. ( Hey, even adults break china on occasion)
Oldest & youngest granddaughters. Don't they look excited about their tea time?
The chosen teacups.
Red Rose Tea in the pot, lemons on the side, with plenty of sugar and milk. Cookies on a stick to eat with tea. CHOCOLATE CHIP Cookies on a stick!
Our oldest Granddaughter got first choice of teacups and she chose this one. She also chose the tea and menu and it was very important to her the lemon was cut to put it on her cup just so.You can see her Mr. Halloween next to the tea cup. She made sure he was able to be part of the whole tea time too.
Here is a close-up of her tea cup.
Royal Albert , bone china. Dorchester Series, England
Youngest Granddaughter chose this cup and saucer. The more I see it and examine it, the more enchanted I am by this set.
Royal Grafton Fine Bone China, Made In England
The best part of tea for the girls ~
Chocolate chip cookies on a stick!
Oldest granddaughter made them all by herself.
She paused after taking a few bites, then she.....
poured the milk from the creamer into her empty teacup....
and dunked that huge, delicious, chocolate chip cookie on a stick in the milk, ate every bit, then drank the milk too.
Tea time Tuesday is what I call this day, but it is also Teacup Tuesday and being hosted by Martha* and Terri*. Lady Katherine* also hosts a Tea Party. Please visit them and the many other wonderful tea parties and you'll also see so many interesting and beautiful tea cups.
Thank-you for joining us for tea today!


  1. What a delightful tea party! Those cookies look very tasty, especially dunked in cold milk. I always enjoy pictures of your pretty cups and smiling, happy granddaughters.

  2. I know this post is about tea, BUT I am LOVING the cookies on a stick! I am going to have to try those!

  3. So fun...makes me feel like I am a child again, visiting my grandma! I love the cookies...and the little gal that is a dipper! :D

  4. what fun - and clever girl for dunking her cookie! the cookies on a stick are a great idea in warm weather - don't get all that chocolate melting on your fingers!

  5. How I can't wait until my granddaughter's are old enough to cook. They do have fun rolling dough and making cookies. I love the chocolate chip cookie on the stick, and it so cute she dunked it in the milk! So sweet! I just love when the children love to do things with the table like her lemon on the cup, and Mr. Halloween! Special memories! The teacups are all so lovely! I too love the one you do! The pattern is so delicate and beautiful! Thank you so much for joining me again for Tea Time Tuesday with your grandchildren! I love the tray all set! I need your white creamer and sugar! lol The fence is so charming in the background, as is the pot of lavender! I had a wonderful time at Tea Today with your Granddaughter's menu!

  6. What a fun tea party, and such lovely teacups! I want one (or 2) of those delish chocolate chip cookies...don't you know you shouldn't tease a chocoholic with such yummies..LOL!! :)

    Happy "Tea" Tuesday!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  7. Looks like a fun tea party!and such lovely teacups...
    Sweet Blessings,

  8. Such pretty tea cups!! I don't think I ever heard of cookies on a stick but what a great idea for kids!!


  9. Oh your granddaughters are totally adorable!
    The tea cups they picked are so special. I love them both, but the Royal Grafton is my fav. Such a lovely rose color.

  10. Looks like they had a very good time. And they actually had real food. My grandson made me some soup the other day and I played like I was eating that air. He had a blast, and I have the memory of it.

    Great that you have photos for them to go back to this day in the future.

  11. Oh Red Rose tea...it's been awhile since I had any and I love that tea! Tell the girls their taste is impeccable, in china and in cookies!! Save one for me girls...:) Have a super week!
    Tina xo

  12. Hi lucky lady: You get to spend the time with the grandchildren. I love the tea cups you shared this week. As always, they are so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. Blessings, Martha

  13. What wonderful teatime memories your granddaughters will have and what cute photos of them.

    Your teacups today are gorgeous. I drank Red Rose tea for years and have loads of those little Wade figurines. :-)

  14. What a delight your granddaughters are and your photo's are beyond words. Mum had us drinking out of teacups when were about that age. I think it’s important to let children use the same dishes that the adults use. It teaches grace, manners, and gentleness. What a blessing you are to them and those cookies on sticks looks absolutely delicious. Take care.

  15. I love the set that your youngest granddaughter chose! So pretty and my favorite color! Cookies on a stick sound a lot less messy!

  16. Dunking those giant chocolate chip cookies seems like just the right thing to do to me. Lovely party, Kathy. :)

  17. Great idea of having cookies on a stick.... I must try this...

    By the way, ...... I WANT to be your granddaughter.....I know, I'm older than you, but I still want to be your granddaughter. You're an amazing grandmother!

  18. How delicious everything looks! Kathy, you're teaching the girls such wonderful lessons and they are having such a marvelous time. How blessed are you all!


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