Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lavender Weekend

The first Celebration of Lavender in Roy, Washington took place this past weekend~
This is Barbara, the only one of the couple who own this lovely Lavender farm I could pin down for a picture, in front of one of the lavender fields. Although it is hazy, you just might spot Mt. Rainier in the background. Here is my booth , you can see Mt. Rainier in the background , and to the left of the booth is the pen I displayed two of my very handsome Jacob ram lambs. I do believe I had the best spot on the place . The large tree gave us shade and my booth was very close to one of the lavender fields and where they were giving lavender oil distillation demonstrations.
My husband kept me company and answered the many, many questions about Jacob Sheep.
A view of some booths and a lavender field.
Lavender distillation equipment.
Some of the grandchildren came to see us and the festival. The girls all made lavender sachets at the craft area.
Our oldest granddaughter just loves our youngest grandson! ( I think he is eating Cheezits )
Our daughter A.Joy and Little J check out the lambs. Little J wanted to watch them a long time.
These two granddaughters remained with us the rest of the festival and we had a good time. I did a lot of spinning wool during the festival and answered a lot of questions about spinning, wool, yarns, etc., The jug in the back ground was filled with ice lemon water each morning and we drank it all up as the temperatures were in the 90's both days.
Oldest granddaughter poses by one of the many classic cars in attendance at the festival.
A beautiful sight to me, "our mountain", a field of lavender, and our oldest granddaughter! We had a wonderful time this weekend at the first ever Lavender Festival in Roy. I made enough money to make it well worth my time, and I hope to be asked back again next year~


  1. splendid festival - rare is a gathering which would smell so pleasant! The girls look special - their hair all decorated with ribbons
    appears to be a lovely way to spend a weekend. Thanks for letting us come along!

  2. What a magical location for the festival. I really enjoyed seeing your booth, and nice to have had the family to visit too. What was your biggest seller Kathy? The wee sheep???

  3. A lavender festival sounds wonderful to me. I'd love to have a garland like that to wear in my hair. I'm glad you got to experience it and have family members join you.

  4. WOW!! Looks like so much fun!

  5. Oh Kathy, I'm TRYING to keep 5 lavender plants alive in my yard, and they're slowly dying. I suppose I need to move to Washington to have them flourish. The field of lavender is so beautiful.... and your mountain in the back ground...Wow.....

    Your daughter and grandchildren are so beautiful..... what a blessing.
    Sure sounds like a wonderful family weekend, and making money too....

  6. That is gorgeous! What a nice weekend. I have some lavender plants at my farm, but mine doesn't look like that. I know there are many varieties. Kathy, do you know what variety those were at the festival?

    Hope you sold out at your booth! Have a great week!

  7. That last shot is quite a beautiful sight! I love love lavender...I use it everyday! There is a huge lavender farm here in Utah, it is so pretty to pass by it. Looks like such a fun day..an the grands are so cute! :D

  8. The locale is beautiful and so wonderful your family was able to be with you. The photo of you and the girls is especially lovely; what a memory maker!

  9. Kathy, I hope they invite you back too. It sounds like you fit there, perfectly. Your displays were nicely done.

    What a beautiful setting, especially with your mountain in the background.

    And your family was there, which helped you enjoy it just that much more. :)

  10. How wonderful that your family was there to keep you company. It sounds like you had a great weekend, financially and otherwise. These festivals are such fun. I hope the day has been kind to you. Blessings...Mary

  11. Can almost smell the lavender just by looking at the pictures! Looks like a fun day for you all.

    We use d to go to Mt. Rainier Nat. Park a lot when I was a kid growing up in Lakewood........All those beautiful flowers in the spring.

  12. Glad you made some money! It was a nice event to be part of - nice to sit around there! Like the picture of Little J and oldest Granddaughter! I've got some photos to post soon from there too.

  13. The festival looks like it was fun. I'm glad to hear it went well for you. Nice photos of your family. :)

  14. Linda Sue,the fragrance was wonderful!I was very close to the distillation demo area too and the fragrance was enhanced many fold.

    Mildred, Actually, my little felted balls and wee sheep tied. I also sold a lot of yarn and fiber, plus most of my handwovens.Now I have to get busy and make a lot more sheep and balls for the Christmas Bazaar!

    Southern Comfort,the girls are still wearing their garlands, and it was nice to have family there, very nice!

    Andrea,thank-you, it WAS fun!

    Dolores,I am surprised you are having trouble, they thrive in dry and hot areas. And yes, we see "our mountain" almost everywhere we go around here unless it is cloudy or foggy.Even at night it can be seen when the moon is full and the sky is clear. Thank-you.

    NancyK. thank-you.

    Vickie,I sold so much stuff I need to take time to make a lot more stuff. There were 4 main varieties and I have to check my tags and get back to you. The tags are in the pots outside, and it is very late and dark.I can tell you they smell heavenly!

    Julie,now Utah does seem the perfect place for fields of lavender. I use a lot of it too!

  15. Sandra,I think they will always smell lavender and think of me, and I like that! I have a lot of lavender growing around our home and we will be harvesting it together tomorrow~

    Mary, it is a beautiful setting and 5 minutes at the most from our home, so it is a perfectly wonderful place to have spent the weekend.

    Mary, ( the cooking one) it was a very restful and good day, and I thankful, so thankful for my family and good times together.

    Carol, Mt. Rainier, it is always there. Looming over the trees in every drive to and fro, so amazingly beautiful and so often taken for granted by many of us around here. Also a great destination for a good day of scenic beauty and wonder. Goodness, I sound like a travel brochure!

    A.Joy, happy birthday to Little J. I have an upcoming post d to dedicate to him. I was glad you were able to come to the festival!

  16. What a great day spent! I was hoping I wouldn't miss this post! I loved seeing the lavender field! I wish I would have thought about it I would have sent you some money to buy me some lavender, or some oil! I know it was hot spinning outdoors, I use to do it too! lol You did have a great spot! The Jacobs are wonderful, I always wanted a few. Maybe someday! I love the six sheep I have now! Well, the ram will not let me in the pasture. My husband is afraid I will get hurt since I had surgery. One day! For now I can go up to the fence and feed them from my hand, not the ram. lol We miss our 100+ sheep and goats. lol but I am enjoying my chickens! They have hatched out 25 chicks so far. Now I have another sitting! I went and bought nine more chickens. lol Hoping to get a few more bantams, if the lady will let me have the silver lace ones. lol I clicked on your booth photo to enlarge, your weaving looks wonderful. I couldn't see all into the booth. I know you all had a fun day! Glad you made some money! Do they have lavender there to use in food? I do want to buy some. I may go on line and purchase it. Let me know it would be fun to buy some from where I can see the fields and know it came from a farm near you where you spun all day!


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