Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Goldilocks Came For Tea

I am late for tea, very late for tea. Tea Time Tuesday has passed, but I have been so busy tending my sheep, sloshing through mud and torrential down-pourings of rain that I lost track of time. When I realized I was not going to get a featured tea cup or tea party posted Tuesday I asked the Bear family if I could photograph them as they shared tea with Goldilocks. Look at this pretty little tea set just the perfect size for Mr. & Mrs. Bear. I found it for sale on an Etsy site, the price was right, and the Bear family love the tea set I gave them as a gift. (The Bear family loves blue & white china almost as much as I do.) Mrs. Bear invited Goldilocks over for tea because she knows Goldilocks can help her out with the decorating and possible re-modeling of the Bear family's log home. The little log home is in a dreadful state, and Goldilocks' breaking of the tiny rocker is of no consequence when the whole cabin looks in need of repair. Baby Bear is still a little upset about his rocking chair though and tried to ignore Goldilocks to show her how he feels about it. The Bear family served tea in our sun-room because the light is wonderful there and they could appreciate the patter of raindrops on the sky-lights as they discussed their upcoming plans. I like the gold rims on the china. This little tea set has no markings of origin. Mrs. Bear and Goldilocks have become very good friends in spite of their first encounter. Goldilocks eventually returned to their home and apologized for entering uninvited , eating their food, and breaking baby Bear's rocker. She asked if there was anything she could do to show she was sincerely sorry. After much discussion over tea, the friendship has blossomed. Now Mrs. Bear and Goldilocks are set to work hard and repair and re-decorate the Bears' home. Hopefully I will be allowed to photograph the process, we'll see. Maybe a bribe of honey will help. I am linking with these ladies for tea Time Tuesday.Please visit their blogs and see what they have to show you, even if it is not Tuesday, they are worth it. Remember to have fun with the things you have chosen to surround yourself , and take time to enjoy the people God has placed in your life. "Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy." I Timothy 6:17


  1. Such a sweet tea set, Kathy. I love your bears and Goldilocks and look forward to more photos. We are experiencing heavy downpours here also. Yesterday definitely would have been a good day for a cup of tea! Thank you for sharing the beautiful Bible verse.

  2. *LOL* What a cute post, Kathy... I enjoyed this so much! (And I'm glad Goldilocks and Mrs. Bear are getting along just fine. *giggle*)
    We are having downpours too mixed with rumbles of thunder every now and then... not ideal weather for tending animals for sure.
    I agree with Mildred... this was a wonderful verse you shared- it was meant for me to read this morning.

  3. You've just told us another story in that series of books that I think you should publish.....I enjoyed that very much!

  4. Hi Kathy,
    I'm so glad you were able to join me! This is such a cute post and the tea set is simply adorable!
    Would love to spend a day with you tending to your sheep. I have always loved those sweet critters! Thank you for sharing the scripture verse; warms my heart!Have a lovely day.


  5. I adored your post today Kathy. As a lover of teddy bears and dolls, it was just perfect for me. The little china tea set is also adorable!
    Now, at your suggestion, I'm hopping over to see all the other delightful Blogs you recommend.

  6. What a cute little teaparty. I just love it.

  7. Dear Kathy, What a sweet and cute post. Love it! Thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment. I apologize that I could not visit before, I was away on a mission trip.
    Blessings! ~*~Wendy~*~

  8. So true with you last words in this post. I love the little blue and white china set! blessings,Kathleen

  9. Lovely tea set. I love your bears and Goldilocks.



  10. The bears and tea set are very sweet, Kathy. Cute story to go with it too. Have a nice weekend! :)

  11. I really like this post and I know how it is. I plan to post something and then get so caught up in all the stuff to do, now that I have little ones coming and going, I never get my post up and running. I need a doll house and little tea set.


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