This little Teddy Bear will be attending many tea parties this summer.I am sure she will want honey with her tea.
I have never seen such a box as this little ram's head , the size of a walnut, exquisitely carved.I wonder what teensy treasure I can hide inside it.All the items are sitting on a fabric tea towel I am going to leave atop the Kitchen Queen. I love the colors and they are perfect for my home.
The pot-holder colors are pleasing to me , Constanza made it herself. I might have to hide this because the granddaughters were making plans to turn it into a doll dress.
The true treasure here is the heart of the lady who sent me this box of gifts, each item was obviously well thought out and packed with care. Thank-you Constanza!
No, this goat did not arrive in the package but is fast becoming a treasure around here. He was not intended to be a pet, but has endeared himself to us all, especially the granddaughters. Buddy loves to snuggle and play with us. He also bonded with the granddaughters' pet kitten, sleeping with the kitten, playing with the kitten, and bawling pitifully when the kitten is taken away to play.Buddy also perked up my 10 year old goat Thorin,who leaps about like a baby goat with him.
"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21~ "Treasure: Something very much valued." Amer. Dictionary of English Language ~
I have been having trouble with Blogger lately and although I was able to read your blogs, I was unable to comment on them. I was also unable to write and post my own. It is good to be back to blogging and although sometimes I get frustrated by Blogger, I remember what LindaSue of Buhl-A-Land said to me a long time ago, "It is hard to complain about a service that is free. " Also, Blogger does try to fix the problems quickly once they are known. Blogging is a treasure to me too, it has brought me the pleasures and treasures of friends like you . We are blessed, aren't we?