Remnants of autumn ~ red, gold, bright yellow leaves.
The new grape arbor , just this summer loaded with vines and grapes, looks bare.
The older grape arbor is almost hidden with grape vines , and the bright yellow cloud of leaves makes me happy, yet the cold rain and freezing weather has now lessened this cloud to a few puffs of yellow hanging barely, ready to fly away in the next passing wind.
November is the time of transition from Autumn to Winter, the transition from the busy-ness of hunting and gathering, preparing for the cold bleak months to come.
A big part of this transition is filling the wood shed with wood cut from trees on our property, most downed by storms, to heat our winter hearth & home. So much of my favorite season ~ Autumn, is filled with the remnants of summer, and preparing for Winter and all she brings. "There is something in the autumn that is native to my blood, Touch of manner, hint of mood, And my heart is like a rhyme, With the yellow and the purple, and the crimson keeping time." fr.Bliss Carman, 'An Autumn Song'Now, onto December, Christmas, and all the special delights of this season! I will be having a give-away of my Wee Little Sheep this month just because I want to, and I hope you come back to see how you might win a sheep of your own.