"It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." A.Holmes

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Thursday Ladies Luncheon ~

 Another Thursday Ladies Bible study and luncheon left me feeling so blessed. The Thursday Ladies get together the third Thursday of the month to share lunch, fellowship, Bible study, and prayer.
 The table is set simply. After our lunch we need space on the table to open our Bibles and study notes. The flowers for this month's table setting are bedding plants . I wrapped white tissue paper around the pots, secured the paper with blue ribbon and voila! After the luncheon I planted the flowers in my flowerbeds. How simple is that ?

 Moms and Grandmas are encouraged to bring their children to the study too. Studying the Bible is a good family endeavor after all.

 This month lunch was generously provided by the ladies who attend. Delicious chicken salad stuffed croissants ( thanks Karen), green salad and big red strawberries, ( thanks Marlene & Marj).
"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man ( or woman)may be adequate, equipped for every good work."   I Timothy 3:16,17

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sedum Roof For The Birds

 Just a birdhouse with no roof, but no ordinary roof-less birdhouse. This house is now a home ! This birdhouse was built many years ago by our nephew Kevin*, during a summer visit to Cedar Pond, and over the years the turquoise roof fell apart and finally blew away in a storm. I stuck a small pot of sedums in the little house never dreaming a pair of birds would move in and raise a family.
 A pair of Oregon Juncos have moved in , built a nest, and are tending the eggs carefully. And protectively. The father Junco is not happy with me being nearby, but I have to pass the birdhouse to water and feed my sheep. Really Mr. Junco, I won't disturb your nest.
 Both Mr. & Mrs. Junco were chattering and chittering at me as I did my chores near their home, but soon after I was done they resumed their parental duties and delights. ( I like thinking of parenting as a delight!)
 Can you see the bird ( Oregon Junco) peeking out?
Who knew a roofless birdhouse could be a home? An Oregon Junco, that's who. "To build a house is one thing, but to make it a home is quite another." Louis L'Amour

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thankful Thursday ~ My View From The Porch

 This is a well-traveled and used area of our property. The lattice hides the wood shed where we also keep our garbage cans. This area is in full view of our front porch too, so it is nice for it to be somewhat visually appealing.
 The mirror was a Goodwill find for under $5.00 and has endured quite a few winters here. The ceramic planters are re-planted every spring. The bird-bath is new. We have 3 bird-feeders hung in the trees surrounding the wood shed.
 Every morning and in the early evenings we sit on the porch and watch the birds fly in for sunflower seeds. We see chickadees, nuthatches, Oregon Juncos, Stellar Jays, Grosbeaks, finches, Goldfinches, sparrows, Towhees, Cedar Waxwings ~ to name a few. We also watch hummingbirds flit around the Bleeding Hearts and Ajuga that grow lush around the porch and squirrels doing acrobatic tricks to get as many seeds from the "squirrel-proof" feeders as they can carry away in their pouches.
There is no end to the entertainment at the feeders and in the garden, especially now that the weather has warmed. Thank-you Lord for your glorious creation ! ~"For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions, or rulers or authorities- all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:16,16

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tea Time Tuesday & Missing My Bee-Keeper

My husband had a milestone birthday this month. There is so much going on in our lives that has to be attended to right now we were unable to celebrate the way we had hoped. Plus, my husband, my bee-keeper, had to go out of town on business shortly thereafter.
The day my bee-keeper left for a few days I made a pot of tea in my bee-hive teapot and brought out this sunshine yellow teacup.

Doesn't this teacup cheer you up? Look at the happy yellow rings of color with little flowers and red / orange dots. Reminds me of my home raised chicken eggs after the chickens have eaten lots of greens fresh from the garden. The yolks will be a very deep red/orange this very color.

The yellow is so bright it seems to make the whole teacup glow.

I made peppermint tea,
and cut myself a piece of my husband's birthday cake. The cake doesn't look near as good as it tasted. It was a whip cream white cake. Happy birthday my Bee-Keeper and we'll have that birthday celebration soon !

I am joining these ladies for Tea-Time Tuesday :

Sunday, April 21, 2013


 "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him ;Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way , because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret, it leads only to evildoing...Better is the little of the righteous than the abundance of many wicked....the Lord sustains the righteous." Psalm 37:7 ~ 17
 "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28,29
"Rest~ Freedom from activity; quiet; tranquility; slumber ~ Peace of mind or spirit." Webster's Dictionary

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lilac Lucy With Two Hearts

This is my yearling ram, Tonkin. He is the father of a precious new lamb I know I will be keeping...
...little Lucy Two- Hearts ! Look at Lucy peeking around her mother, Tilda. This past Saturday we returned home from a wedding of two young friends, Lucy & Trevor ,to discover my ewe Tilda had her first lamb. What a precious little lilac ( Jacob sheep more commonly have black spots) lamb, and her spots seemed to have been formed by God knowing she would be born on their wedding day. I had to name her Lucy.
This is her right side...
...and on her left side, look ! Two heart shaped spots. They also resemble newborn baby footprints. Hmmm. Either way, this made a happy event even more happy for me. A lovely wedding of two special people and a lovely lilac lamb with two heart spots.
Tilda and Lucy Two-Hearts, mother & daughter. If you are interested in what I do with the wool fleece of my Jacob Sheep, you might enjoy this post , Recipe For Yarn*.

I am linking with these blogs for the Thursday Home Acre Hop ~

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tea With Her Dolls~Treasured Times

 I have had the pleasure of this granddaughters' company these past few days. She & I baked oatmeal cookies today,then she set the coffee table for tea & cookies with her dolls.

 Samantha and Cecile ( American Girl dolls) sharing tea with my granddaughter. The dolls have very tiny tea cups.

 My granddaughter chose this lovely little teapot adorned with hummingbirds and flowers.(Thanks Barb !) It is full of hot mint tea.
 Samantha and Cecile wore identical dresses to tea.
 The teacup my granddaughter is using is Rosina bone china, made in England. I found it in a thrift shop.
This is a tiny teacup with gold edging.
" The friendships we treasure most dearly are the ones in which we feel, "Wow, how did I deserve this?" Emilie Barnes
Click on the links below for more celebrations of all things tea.