Another Thursday Ladies Bible study and luncheon left me feeling so blessed. The Thursday Ladies get together the third Thursday of the month to share lunch, fellowship, Bible study, and prayer.
The table is set simply. After our lunch we need space on the table to open our Bibles and study notes. The flowers for this month's table setting are bedding plants . I wrapped white tissue paper around the pots, secured the paper with blue ribbon and voila! After the luncheon I planted the flowers in my flowerbeds. How simple is that ?
Moms and Grandmas are encouraged to bring their children to the study too. Studying the Bible is a good family endeavor after all.
This month lunch was generously provided by the ladies who attend. Delicious chicken salad stuffed croissants ( thanks Karen), green salad and big red strawberries, ( thanks Marlene & Marj).
"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man ( or woman)may be adequate, equipped for every good work." I Timothy 3:16,17