The fairies had their tea party today.
Everyone the fairies invited came except the Little's two children. You can see the empty chair next to Mr. & Mrs. Little. Mrs. Little was fearful for her children's safety in the great outdoors, and who can blame her ? If you were small enough to be eaten by a large bird, a roving cat, a bullfrog,or even a squirrel...wouldn't you be fearful? Mrs. Little left the children at home in the china hutch with their Grandpa.( She did admit to being a tiny bit afraid for herself too.)
Mr. & Mrs. Bear were there...
...Papa Bear enjoyed his tea in a wooden mug,
Mama Bear was happy to sip tea from a lovely china teacup
after being presented this lovely bouquet of campion flowers & fern tips. She loves it when Papa bear is so thoughtful and romantic.
Baby Bear got his own large cupcake ( large being relative) and although he wanted a porcelain tea-cup like the fairies, his parents insisted a log cup was just right for him.
Mr. & Mrs. Little had to admit they did enjoy tea, even though they were concerned about the large birds they saw overhead.They also missed their children.Mrs. Little thought the fireweed blossoms her husband picked for her were her favorite color and deliciously beautiful. She is appreciative of how the fireweed here on Cedar Pond and the surrounding area feeds the bees and helps make the honey she so loves.Mr. Little was polite, but really wanted to read his book.
The menu for tea was tiny breads, cakes,hard boiled Zebra Finch eggs, and fresh blueberries and raspberries.And tea.You can see tea is served in different size miniature tea sets.There are 3 sizes shown above.
The sun did not peek out of the cloud cover today and the temperature did not exceed 68 degrees, but there was no rain and the party was pleasant. Lilac & Lavender were very happy to host a tea party for their friends.They were thankful they had chairs and tea sets to suit all their teensy friends.Maybe they will host their next party in their little garden, when it is finished. They still have a lot of weeding and planting to do, but they love this kind of work.
I do not know who made the tiny tea sets I have shown. None have labels indicating origin. However, I am linking with the ladies listed below for Tea Time Tuesday.Check out their blogs to see what's being served for tea in their homes.Next week I have a new tea cup to show, so please come back for Tea Time Tuesday !