The only markings on the bottom of the cup and saucer did not reveal much to me, does anyone know about these teacups?
Kathryn's brother had a bigger cup and saucer I might write about another time, but our youngest granddaughter also had a little cup and saucer of tea. She does like her tea, especially with lots of sugar!
This tea party was my idea of a children's tea party. Lots of tea sipped out of lovely cups, lots of food that appeals to kids, dessert~ tiny cupcakes baked by Kathryn, brownies with whipped cream, and best of all...pony cart rides! PONY CART RIDES!
Kathryn looks so proper and well dressed for her party, doesn't she? Kathryn is even able to look proper and pretty while driving the pony cart.
Besides all the good food, good company, and pony cart rides, there is a litter of new born kittens to see. Shh, we are quiet as we peek in at Momma cat and her 3 new kittens.
Thank-you for enjoying our tea party with Kathryn. To see and enjoy so many other teacups and tea parties please check out the wonderful blogs of these ladies ~ Terri*,Martha*,and Lady Katherine*.
Kathryn and Grandma Pam, thank-you very much for the lovely time we had with you. This is a never-to-be-forgotten tea party!