I will call these lovely ladies the Thursday Ladies. We gather once a month on Thursday to share a meal together and study the Bible.
We are studying I Samuel using Myrna Alexander's book 'After God's Heart".
Mothers are welcome to bring their children, and the children have their own table. I have always appreciated homes open to children, and the opportunity for children to gather with us is also an opportunity for mothers & grandmothers to enjoy their company, and also teach them how to behave properly when they are in someone else's home.( these are pretty well behaved children , so it is no trouble to enjoy each other and them!)
If you look closely at the table, you can see the Chintz teacups.
Inside the box.
"Gracie China, Chintz Collection " made in China
Having so many beautiful teacups and china I love, it is a pleasure & a privilege to share them with friends and family. Did you know hospitality, or being hospitable ~"receiving and entertaining guests generously & kindly" (Webster's Dictionary ) is commanded by God? Hospitality requires nothing more than a welcoming heart and willingness to share your hearth and home. Hospitality does not require fancy table settings and food, nor does it require a perfect home.I Peter 4:9,10 says, "Be hospitable to one another without complaint. As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." Sometimes simply sharing a cup of tea with someone and offering a listening heart and a prayer is all it takes to show true hospitality.
The Thursday Ladies have already been a blessing and the study of I Samuel promises to be one of personal challenge to me....learning to trust God as Hannah ,mother of the prophet Samuel did. "Turn first to God for comfort ( in times of pain & distress)not to something or someone else. And give Him your emotions." Myrna Alexander
I am linking with these ladies for Tea Time Tuesday ~
Oh this looks like a beautiful way to spend a day. Those china cups are beautiful. B
Beautiful tea-cups.It is such a pleasure to share tea with friends.
Ah...this is a familiar sight as I have sold these cups and saucers in my shop. I always break up the set and use the boxes myself or storage items - they are so nice. They are real handy.
This looks like a wonderful group of ladies and what a blessing to stody God's Word!
I forgot to say: thanks you for linking to Friends Sharing Tea! Have a great week!
Although I love dinner parties with the hubbies and all...my fav is tea time with my girl friends! Using the prettiest tea china like yours, is the No.1 pleasure and than all the sweets, cakes, sandwichs and fun! Wish I was there!
What a wonderful occasion! And what a blessing to have your Thursday Ladies. So much can be shared, released and received around the Word. Love the teacups! Thanks so much for sharing and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!
The cups are beautiful, as is your home and your heart. Thanks for sharing this, Kathy ... it is wonderful to see you with your friends and the children.
Kathy M.
Beautiful set table with the ladies gathered about. The Thursday Ladies group is a wonderful way to share the Bible.
Wow, I didn't know we'd be featured in a blog!! :) This was lovely to read, Kathy, and Mom and I are so blessed to be able to come and enjoy your lovely hospitality in your lovely home! When we are one in the Lord to pray and worship and study His words to us, how can we not be richly blessed? We are!
Thank you so very much!
Those cups are so lovely and so is the box they came in!
looks like a lovely group of women! I love Chintz. These teacups are beautiful!
This was wonderful, Kathy~ I wished I could have been invited!
And I love how the children had their own tea table... :)
These china cups are gorgeous and I would think everyone enjoyed using them! What a lovely box set to have. You're blessed to have Christian friends to study together as well to dine.
God bless!
I love the idea of Tea Time... and I love pretty china cups. I have many, but don't use them as often as I used to. My dear friend who always came over for tea once a week passed away a few years ago (how I miss our tea time talks). My taste is very eclectic and when we had baby and bridal showers or other get-togethers at our house, I always served our coffee and tea in a display of different china cups. I enjoyed being able to pick out the cup I wanted and thought others might too. Enjoy your Tea Time Tuesday and the Thursday ladies!
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