"It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." A.Holmes

Monday, October 28, 2013

Weaving Again, Finally !

I am counting and wrapping threads & yarns , making warps ( sounds like a Star Trek adventure ! ) to thread my looms for fall and winter weaving. I find myself humming as I count out the wraps on my warp board. Does this sound like a foreign language to you ? Simply put, I am making a warp, that is what I thread onto my loom so I can then begin to weave. This is my table loom taking up space on my dining room table. I intend to weave a table runner on this loom.
These are bags full of loom ends from the Pendleton Wool Mill. The scraps left over from that Pendleton rug, jacket, shawl ..weavers buy these bags of wool ends by the pound and they are very cheap. Worth it for many of us to travel there to buy them to weave into rugs.
Here is a close up of a bag of wool ends. I will be weaving them into rugs very soon.
My floor loom is on my staircase landing. Here is one view. You can see a basket of hand-spun yarn , one of my spinning wheels, weaving shuttles, and bags of mill ends from Pendleton. I love the cheerful turquoise mill ends with splashes of red, orange, and white . The rugs I can weave from them will be bright and cheerful.
A glimpse of my floor loom ( far right of picture ) with spools of warp thread lined up on my window sill. I have my audio books from the library to listen to and I have already begun to warp ( thread ) my loom. I am so excited to begin weaving again. My calendar is cleared and the week of weaving will begin, finally !

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Thursday Ladies' Bible Study & Luncheon ~

 I know I've shown this Royal Grafton teacup before, but I love it and it is a perfect teacup for Autumn table-settings with its' cheerful yellow & white color and orange red dots.

 I set the table for the Thursday Ladies' Bible study with my Charleston by Noritake china. The quilt in the center of the table was made by one of the ladies from the Ohop Ladies sewing group , a local group of ladies who meet every week at the grange to sew.

 This old buffet once upon a time belonged to my husband's grandmother. It holds many precious memories along with our china and table linens. Sometimes it holds dessert too !
 Lunch was baked chicken breasts, home-made coleslaw , home canned applesauce, spinach salad ( thanks Marlene ) and chicken salad ( thanks Karen ). Dessert was a chocolate cake and a butter pecan cake...thanks to Duncan Hines ! We had cranberry juice , coffee, & tea to drink . After we ate we shared our thoughts on our study of I Samuel using After God's Heart by Myrna Alexander.
Later that day I sipped tea from my cheery teacup as I pondered the study and how I long to be a woman after God's own heart but so often my selfish desires prevent this. God is gracious and merciful though and He will forgive me and continue to teach me His ways if I seek Him.

I am glad I had time to clean up, and even more time to ponder than I had thought because my dishwasher is not working. I washed all the dishes, pots & pans the old fashioned way, by hand.

"A heart that does not try to compromise God's command is a heart that is His. A heart that desires to follow the Lord and obey His command is a heart after His heart."  I Samuel 15:20  Myrna Alexander

I am linking with the ladies listed below for all things Tea , for my Tea-Time Tuesday.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Joyful Times

I've been hanging out with this crazy bunch , their parents, aunties, uncles, & friends. Now I'm back home, getting things in order and excited to catch up on my life this side of the mountains. I have renewed energy and excitement for my weaving & wool crafting, plus the joy and anticipation of the upcoming holidays.  "A joyful heart is good medicine," Proverbs 17 :22   ~"These things I ( Jesus ) have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full." John 15:11

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Gifts That Keep On Giving ~ One is Pink, the Other Is Furry !

 Two of the best birthday gifts ever !
 The evening I returned home from my week at the Puyallup Fair, after unloading sheep around midnight with the help of my daughter and daughter-in-law, I discovered this beautiful bicycle on the front porch ! My heart almost stopped, was it for ME ?
 Yes my daughter said. She and her 4 children bought me this beautiful hot pink bike, because they knew I would love it. I did not even know she was paying attention to me when I talked about getting this type of bicycle, and even if I thought she was listening closely, I would never have considered they would buy it for me. And surprise me too ! "give: to bestow without a return". Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
 I immediately felt like the little girl I was many years ago, hoping for a bicycle from Santa. I did not receive my own bicycle then though. My sisters & I received a bicycle to share. Santa had to be careful with my parents' finances, for good reasons. I was thankful, but somehow, it was not the same . But look, now I have the bicycle of my dreams ! Isn't she a beauty ? I am going to get a basket for the handlebars soon.
Whimsy-Two ( or just plain Whimsy ), my German Shepherd puppy was a present from my husband. Whimsy already likes to run alongside me as I ride my new bicycle. She & I are getting along very well. Truly two of the best birthday gifts ever ! I think my family knows what I love because they love me and I am feeling pretty spoiled by them. Thank-you A.Joy and grandchildren. Thank-you Jim. These are gifts that will keep on giving. Gifts that bring me joy, entertainment, and the knowledge I am well- loved. "You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving." Amy Carmichael
"Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father f lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. In the exercise of His will, He brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we might be, as it were, the first fruits among His creatures." James 1:17,18