"It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." A.Holmes

Monday, November 30, 2015

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year ! (And a GIVE-AWAY )

It is the most wonderful time of the year, the month of December when our family celebrates Christmas. Yes, I do mean the whole MONTH ( plus ). Decorating usually begins just after Thanksgiving but our family plays Christmas carols year round. ( Picture above is of me and our daughter's three youngest children.)

I spent the last 9 days with our daughter and her 3 youngest children on a trip of her choosing, her birthday present to herself in celebration of a milestone birthday. I am honored she and my grandchildren wanted me to accompany them on their trip to Disneyland and Universal Studios. This was a gift for me too since she paid my expenses. We drove 20 hours each way ( not including stops for gas and rest-room breaks) to get there and back.

Do you like my mouse ears ? It is hard to see them in the picture because they match the tree ornaments, but my mouse ears light up and the lights blink showing snowflakes. I will be wearing them a lot this month.

I am happy to be home now and getting ready for Christmas festivities. In honor of this month of giving I am offering a give-away. I will be sending a pair of Wee Little Sheep* to the winner. I will enter anyone who leaves a comment on my blog beginning today through the 20th of December when I will draw the name of the winner out of Santa's hat. I will enter your name every time you comment ( limited to one comment per day ).

For our family Christmas is especially dear because our faith, our lives, our very being , rests in the person this holiday season is based on ~ Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour of all mankind who put their trust in Him. ( John 3:16) Yes we know He was probably not born on this day of this month and many Christmas festivities trace their beginnings to pagan roots. Yet my husband and I grew up celebrating Christmas with the knowledge we were celebrating the birth of our Saviour Jesus. We joyfully celebrated Him with our children and now celebrate with them and theirs. I am eagerly looking forward to this month and sharing good times with family and friends, including you, my blogging friends. Bless you all !


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Ooooo, yes, please enter my name into your beautiful draw. It would be my deepest delight to be the winner of your sweet sheep.

Thank you so much, Kathy!

Wishing you a beautiful and 'most wonderful time' this Christmas season,

Stella Jones said...

Your family is growing taller and older but still so much fun and how lovely that your daughter included you in the celebrations for her birthday. I'm glad you had a lovely time.

Never too soon to celebrate Christmas!

Please include me in the give away. I love your little sheep.

Bee Lady said...

What a great idea to go on a trip for a milestone birthday. I'll be 60 in a couple of years so I think I'll start planning.
This post of yours is exactly why I do not understand how they can do away with the word Christmas and try to make us say Holiday. I wear one if those rubber bracelets the month of December that reads, " Just say Merry Christmas". We do have Santa Claus for the young ones, as I did growing up, but there was never any misunderstanding about the holiday being about Jesus being born.
I love your sheep so yes, please enter me! Thank you.
Cindy Bee

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

It looks like you had a great time! I'm glad you all got to have that special time together.

What a nice give away. I love my pair, but wouldn't mind another pair. They are just so sweet with so much personality. A verse came to mind thinking about them just now. Psa_100:3 Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

I am getting in the mood to decorate this year. Hopefully I'll remember to ask my BIL to help me get goodies down from the attic Saturday while he's here.

Happy Holidays and may you continue to feel God's loving presence surrounding you and flowing through you.

Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

Theresa said...

Oh what a wonderful trip! I know that you had the best time ever! I want to win those wee little sheep:) Put me in the hat, PLEASE! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

ellen b. said...

So dear to our family, too. I love Christmas. Enjoy all the preparations along the way!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

That's sooo funny, Kathy. I looked for your MM ears and thought, "Are those ears or bulbs?" Yep, I know Jesus wasn't actually born on Dec 25 but what a hoot it'll be when we get to heaven and God says, "Well, yes He was born on 12/25. I just let the pagans assume incorrectly." HAHA
What a delightful trip for all of you and cannot imagine driving 20 hours straight to get to anywhere. I've been to Disneyland, thought was delightful even though I was by myself, running around with my little autograph book. I can't imagine what Mickey, Minnie or Pluto thought.
Merry Christmas!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

So glad you and your family could get together and take a trip. Sounds like a lot of fun.
I hope you have a wonderful December celebrating Christmas with your family.

Texastracking said...

oh my goodness your grandchildren are growing up so fast! You look quite chic in those mouse ears - always fashion forward to light up one's ears!

Ashley said...

I would like to be entered in your giveaway. Thank you so much for offering it. :)


Anonymous said...

Happy December, Kathy. What a fun trip you guys must have had! Love the picture! I know you all will be very busy this month. Enjoy every minute.

Mitzi said...

I would love the opportunity to win your little sheep! I admire you and all your talents.
Merry Christmas

Connie said...

Beautiful family photo, Kathy! What fun that you got to go on this vacation. I love your wee sheep, but since I was a winner of one of your previous giveaways and have some of your wonderful wee sheep of my own now, please withhold my name from your drawing so that someone else can have a chance to win. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!

Lesley UK said...

Wow, what a wonderful daughter you have. It sounds like the trip of a lifetime (although I must confess I wouldn't enjoy all that driving). I would love to win your sweet little lambs. It would be so special this year, and I'll tell you why...to be cont.

Debbie said...

Love the ears. I've been thinking about y'all even on our journey which, thank Heaven, wasn't as long as yours or maybe quite as eventful as seeing Micky and Minnie. It was wonderful that you all were able to spend the time together. More pics!

Please put my name in for those sheep!


Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Aren't you a fun grandma with your mouse ears! Yes please, enter me in your draw for the sweetest handmade sheep ever. With a small family and both hubby and I retired, December is a quiet month for us but lots of volunteer efforts happening at church.

Unknown said...

Always love seeing your grandkids on the farm. Please enter me. Only sheep I would have room for.

L. D. said...

Christians have a special time at Christmas and I can see you have a wonderful family. Your sheep are so neat to see. I have had a blogger friend that connected me to your site over a year ago.

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

What cute mouse ears!! I noticed them straight away in the photo but was a little confused at first....but it makes perfect sense now!!

Lorrie said...

Oh what fun to spend time at Disneyland with your family. Wearing mouse ears is just the thing, I've heard.
I came over from Brenda's blog (It's a Beautiful Life) when I saw those adorable sheep. I'd love to be entered in the giveaway.