This morning started off bright and sunny ( sunshine didn't last long) and the granddaughters reminded Poppa he promised to take them on a boat ride around our pond. Poppa found a frog which this granddaughter took as her own. She rushed into the house with it carefully contained in her hand, asking for a jar. I found one, put moss in it and placed the frog in it's new and hopefully temporary home....hmmm. Does she look happy or what?

The 3 older granddaughters and Poppa launched the small dinghy I still need to clean and paint, note the granddaughter to the side of Poppa still holding her frog. I did not ask her to pose with the frog and did not realize how many pictures of her proudly displaying her frog there were til I downloaded and examined them.

The boat is off and away , look, the frog is held high as they smile and laugh.

The boat floats by again ~ look, the frog in the jar is displayed with smiles from the granddaughter.

As Little 'T' and I watch them row by I snap a picture. I am surprised on viewing the pictures at how aware of me #4 Granddaughter was and how pleased she was to again show us her frog in a jar. I think she likes this frog.

Poppa let the girls explore our island in the middle of the pond and I was amazed to see #4 Granddaughter running around the island with the frog. ( #3 Granddaughter is by her side)

Look at this, she is stepping into the boat with Poppa AND holding her frog in the jar. She is not going to let go her grasp of this little creature.

My little princess and her frog help Poppa row the boat around the island to pick up her sisters on the island with the frog firmly placed at her side on the seat. I think she likes the frog very much. He is going to be at our tea party with the cousins tomorrow. Now I will have to include bugs for the frog in the menu.
So entertaining, and yet so free. I like that! I thought about you last night and how busy you must be this week with the grandkids. I'm surprised you had the energy left to post!HAHA! Thanks for sharing them with us. Jim looks as though he's happy too.Enjoy your week! Debbie
I'd love to go on a boatride with beautiful blonde granddaughters and attend a tea party with a frog as a guest of honor. It sounds as if you had another of those "perfect" days that we all cherish.
WHat fun you guys are having with your little grandgirls! They are SO cute! I love the frog - doncha just love little tomboys! Have a wonderful week making lots of new memories (and pictures) to enjoy!
Oh how cute "the girl with her frog", It looks like your having a wonderful week. Your Grand daughters are just as cute as they can be! Can you imagine when they are teens and all the young men :):)
What wonderful memories in the making. THIS is what the Bible wanted for generation after generation; this is God's Plan in action!
These are the sweetest pictures
of your precious and beautiful granddaughters. Who could ask for any more fun.....and how great that you're capturing pictures of these good times.
Have a great week.
What fun that must have been!
That's one thing I miss here in AZ is the sound of frogs...........
But we'll be back in WA in a few weeks then let the croaking begin around our pond!
You have the most beautiful grands...what a great adventure with grandpa! I loved frogs too :D
That is one lucky frog! He is the most photographed frog around and deserves a special invitation to the tea party!
Maybe the frog ( in jar ) can sleep next to her bed and she can hear him / her croaking at night! Do they have the new Princess and the Frog movie???
That boat ride looks like loads of fun! I sure miss my grandfather. I know your grand kids must of loved getting to spend time with their grandfather.
Can't wait to hear about the tea party! Great pics of your adventure!
Such a cute post, Kathy! Your granddaughter is quite thrilled with that frog, that is for sure. Loved the pictures. Looks like it was a fun day!
It looks like they are having the time of their lives! She really does love that frog! My oldest loves to collect all kinds of creatures like that too!
AAAHHH! What a blessing to have them this week! SO many things to do, so many places to explore! And SO much better than being stuck inside watching TV!!!
I'll get my 9 yo grandson one day next week during HIS spring break and hope to be able to have him work in the yard with me. Perhaps planting some veggie seeds? Or fishing in our dinky pond?
What sweet times. Clearly the rain came at some point yesterday because we returned home to puddles everywhere, I'm glad the girls got a bit of rainless momments to go for a boat ride.
Lanny sent me over to say hello.
Your post is so sweet. I remember collecting tadpoles and raising them in mother's washtub. It was fun until they grew legs, hopped out and were all over the lawn. We had to be very-very careful where we stepped and mother was not very happy about it.
How precious of grandpa to take the girls for a boat ride. I wish I had had a grandpa like that!
What a sweet sweet sight to see on your blog!!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Now, there is a pet!! There is something so exciting about finding a frog....it's just not done much these days!
We can hear them off in the distance and it's a peaceful noise!
Thanks for sharing the adorable little girls....and the frog!
Your granddaughters are adorable and your pictures paint a beautiful picture.
Oh how beautiful you Granddaughters are. I would love to come and row around your island - it is blissful. So is the frog still ok? Has it been released yet?? Or is it now going for walks on a lead!!
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