Lambing time for my sheep should start the end of next month. These are pictures of 2009 lambs that are now grown. One of the twins from the picture above is a ram lamb that is still here with us and his very large horns are formidable. His half brother, shown below, is Barbarian, and he too still resides with us.Like his half-brother, his horns are very large.Look at how cute and tiny they started out.
I have framed this picture and hung it on the wall, I love it. The tender love of this ewe for her little lamb. This little lamb grew so quickly that he was as big as her before he was 5 months old, his 4 horns were at least 6 inches long. He would head- butt her udder to let down milk and then when he nursed he would literally lift her off the ground. She was still protecting him when he was big enough to take on the whole flock by himself. That's a Mom's love, but for her own protection I had to remove her beloved ram lamb from her presence.

Most parents would readily give their lives to protect their children, yet our protection and love is so imperfect and flawed. There is One only we can receive true love and protection from, the Maker of us all, the Shepherd of us, His sheep.Are you one of the flock of the Shepherd? The Bible says "
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand." John 10:27,28 ~ "
Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture." Psalm 100 : 3
~"God is the shepherd who guides, the Lord who provides, the voice who brings peace in the storm, the physician who heals the sick, and the banner who guides the soldier." Max Lucado ~
Kathy I enjoyed your pictures and your story, and most of all my favorite verses you quoted. Lovely!
These are such sweet pictures, Kathy. I can see why you would frame the one. The love between mother and lamb is so clear.
Your pictures of the little rams and mum are very touching. I love to hear about your sheep and your life with the animals.
looking forward to the baby pics I DO SO miss having the birthing season in January/February - but downsizing is just that - getting rid of non necessities (though these pictures make me question whether my goats might have qualified as necessities!?) Enjoy the new life coming soon!
What beautiful pictures, Kathy. Your sheep and the lambs must be such a source of pleasure to you. It's wonderful to recognise a mother's love across the species....the look on the ewe's face says it all.
Good Morning, Kathy. What adorable pics. Thank you for sharing with us and for the verses and quotes. I hope you have an enjoyable weekend.
I remember lambing season then we moved onto kidding season and now we're not doing either!
What a beautiful post!! And such adorable pictures!! I know my girls would love to come see the new babies if you have any down time for a visit!!
Kathy, that is a lovely photo. When I was reading your post, I thought about the Oklahoma woman who shot the intruder(s) to protect her child and herself.
I am the sheep of His pasture, bless His name forever.
This was wonderful, Kathy... I love how you shared with us the bond between mother and child (or lamb) but how much stronger is that of sheep and Good Shepherd!
Thanks for this~ I needed it today.
how sweet those pictures! And I just love Max Lucado, so glad you quoted him today.
the babies were so cute! and what a wonderful example for those verses you shared! being a mother now i feel i understand God's unconditional love better. It makes SO much sense to me now when I read that we cannot save ourselves by our own works and it is not by what we do that God loves us. God just loves us. No matter where we are, He wants us! I think about Lexi and I realize no matter what she had done, no matter where she was in her life I would still lover her and want the best for her. I'd always want her to come home, even if I wanted to direct her life differently, I'd still want her, just as she is, to come home. Knowing that I now understand our Heavenly Father's unconditional love better and I know when I mess up He still loves me, He still wants to use me! It's so eye opening! Thank you for sharing this!! =)
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