"It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." A.Holmes

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Gifts That Keep On Giving ~ One is Pink, the Other Is Furry !

 Two of the best birthday gifts ever !
 The evening I returned home from my week at the Puyallup Fair, after unloading sheep around midnight with the help of my daughter and daughter-in-law, I discovered this beautiful bicycle on the front porch ! My heart almost stopped, was it for ME ?
 Yes my daughter said. She and her 4 children bought me this beautiful hot pink bike, because they knew I would love it. I did not even know she was paying attention to me when I talked about getting this type of bicycle, and even if I thought she was listening closely, I would never have considered they would buy it for me. And surprise me too ! "give: to bestow without a return". Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
 I immediately felt like the little girl I was many years ago, hoping for a bicycle from Santa. I did not receive my own bicycle then though. My sisters & I received a bicycle to share. Santa had to be careful with my parents' finances, for good reasons. I was thankful, but somehow, it was not the same . But look, now I have the bicycle of my dreams ! Isn't she a beauty ? I am going to get a basket for the handlebars soon.
Whimsy-Two ( or just plain Whimsy ), my German Shepherd puppy was a present from my husband. Whimsy already likes to run alongside me as I ride my new bicycle. She & I are getting along very well. Truly two of the best birthday gifts ever ! I think my family knows what I love because they love me and I am feeling pretty spoiled by them. Thank-you A.Joy and grandchildren. Thank-you Jim. These are gifts that will keep on giving. Gifts that bring me joy, entertainment, and the knowledge I am well- loved. "You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving." Amy Carmichael
"Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father f lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. In the exercise of His will, He brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we might be, as it were, the first fruits among His creatures." James 1:17,18


Pondside said...

Ah, Kathy, you are blessed. What beautiful and thoughtful gifts - just for you. You're sure to have hours of fun with that bike!

Timi said...

Wonderful gifts, indeed!!!
I like your bike, it looks great! :o)
And Whimsy : ♥!!!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What wonderful birthday gifts, especially meaningful and from the hearts of the givers.

Happy Belated Birthday ~ FlowerLady

Debbie said...

That is exactly the bicycle I would have chosen. Whimsey's ear sure are standing nicely. She looks like a very sweet dog. I'm glad you will have a good watch dog with you.

Karen said...

Isn't is nice to get "just what you always wanted" from those who love you so much!

JC said...

How fun !!!
Love your new puppy.
so cute.
The bike too.

Karen said...

Yes sister you are truly a blessed woman ...surrounded by people and things you love!

Anonymous said...

How fun to get exactly what your heart desired for so long! Love the bike and can't wait to see your basket for the handle bars.
What a lovely dog to accompany you on your rides. Enjoy!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Kathy, the bike is great and will give hours of enjoyment. I've decided to not get a bike until I live in flat land...my knees can't take the hills around here.
W-2 is a doll...how's the training going?

Connie said...

Happy belated birthday, Kathy! I bet you will have great fun with both of those gifts. And what wonderful gifts they are!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

That is an enviable bicycle, all pink and shiny. Your girl Whimsy is sweet and I'm sure this was your best birthday ever! Belated wishes.

Paula said...

Ooooh~ the pink bike is perfect!!! And Whimsy is such a doll-baby.... Happy Birthday!!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

I love that puppy! Pretty bike. Have a lot of fun but be safe! Happy Birthday!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Happy Birthday! Have fun riding! What a sweet puppy!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh what a perfect birthday present oh by the way Happy belated Birthday. Oh I had the same childhood and I remember my gifted first bike after I was married a gift from My Hero oh yes that feeling is the best just knowing your family knows you so well and loves you. Enjoy I love the hot pink bike very cool. Hug B

Lady Jane said...

Hi Kathy, stopped in to see what is going on with you as it has been a while since I stopped in and to see that pink bicycle was a wonderful surprise. I can imagine how you felt!!! And Whimsey too.... You are indeed blessed. Happy Belated Birthday and many many more girl!!!

Bee Lady said...

Happy Belated Birthday. What wonderful gifts you received! Enjoy them both!

Cindy Bee