"It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." A.Holmes

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Oh Christmas Tree

 We're still getting settled in our new home and have many boxes stored in the barn we've yet to unpack. Many of the boxes are full of Christmas decorations . We knew we had a lot of Christmas decorations but boy oh boy, is it possible to have too many ? Especially since our new home is less than half the size of our home at Cedar Pond. ( Picture is of our youngest grandson helping my husband place the first few decorations on our tree.)
 We bought a new artificial tree for our first Christmas here. Yes, we have many beautiful trees growing in our forest that'd be perfect for us, but the woodstove in our new home keeps the whole house roasty-toasty and we did not want to worry about keeping the tree stand filled with water when we knew it would dry out every day with the heat and our cats and dogs drinking out of it. We chose this tree because it is narrow and nine feet tall, filling the window but not crowding us out of our new little living room.

Blizzard, our 20 pound cat, stretched out under the tree .
 We have a new puppy . She was born to a Labrador Retriever one of our granddaughters owns. We got her when she was 8 weeks old and now she is 8 months old. Her name is Luna and we love her. She discovered a long time ago she can peek into the house from the windows overlooking the deck. Our two cats seem to enjoy mocking the dogs from indoors. Here is Miss Marple almost taunting Luna. If Luna were indoors Miss Marple would be hiding under the bed or in the closet.

 The view of the tree from outside on a cold snowy winter's evening. You can see our other cat Blizzard looking out the window.
"The shining sparkling ornaments strung on our Christmas tree , Reach out and take me by the hand to years that used to be."  *  'To The Years That Used To Be '  from poem by Annette Victorin


Anonymous said...

Good choice for your space and the window!

Henny Penny said...

Everything is just beautiful there! I love the tall Christmas tree. I love your new place. I've been looking at your Etsy shop and I can tell you that one or two or three of your little sheep will be on my Christmas list for next year. They are Adorable. Also, your Jacob sheep...I could sit here at the computer for hours looking at their pictures. Years ago I found an article in old farm magazine about Jacob sheep and fell in love with them. My dream was to have a couple...of course, it seems most of my dreams stay dreams. :) Merry Christmas!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear Kathy ~ So good to see a Christmas post from you. I love your tree and it looks wonderful from inside and out, in that space. I look forward to seeing more of your new home and farm there.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a great 2017 with a new farm to work in.

Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

Karen said...

Merry Christmas, Kathy, and thank you for this beautiful post. Your tree is really pretty. Have a great time with your family.

Stella Jones said...

All looks beautiful Kathy. Your grandson is so sweet, helping Grandad. These are the moments that dreams are made of....

Thistle Cove Farm said...

It's a beautiful tree and the photo of Jim and grand is precious. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Kathy!

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

Gorgeous tree!! Your new home looks so cozy - can't wait to see more of it! Merry Christmas!!

Texastracking said...

wonderful tree - wise choice not to have "real tree" indoors with pets and heat. So pretty - I am sure you have plenty of decorations - we've been blessed with views of your decor over the years and thoroughly enjoyed them.

Connie said...

Beautiful photos, Kathy! Your tree and decorations look so pretty. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

As always, your home looks so warm and cozy and I adore your animals. Fun to see the cats vs. the dog thru the window! That's a beautiful tree in your window.

Bee Lady said...

Your tree is beautiful. So is your new home. I think one can have too many Christmas decorations because I think I do! I love them though. I suppose when I tire of putting them up and taking them down, then I'll get rid of them. Hope you had a Merry Christmas in your new home.

Cindy Bee