This view shows the garden from my sheep pen. Look at what my amazing husband has done with this piece of land ! ( Our house is in the upper right of the picture.)
You can see my sheep grazing in their pasture on the other side of our new veggie garden, and further away you can see our woods & forest.
Radishes ready to pluck from the soil.
Squashes and pumpkins are flourishing and threatening to take over the veggie garden !
It is hard to believe that only last year this piece of our new land was barren except for weeds and hard-packed soil. My husband has already turned the barren wasteland into an abundant vegetable garden ! Fruit trees are already providing fruit, vegetables enough for us , our family, and to sell at the local market....
...pumpkins, squash and corn ready to take over the garden plot,
harvests covering our counter-tops , filling our fridge and begging to be eaten and preserved.Guess what, my husband even decided to can his hard -worked -for produce. He started canning !
Took this picture this morning of my husband standing in his garden. Look at the sweet corn , it's taller than him and the corn will soon be ready to pick.You can see our pasture and woods in the distance. Yes indeed, my man is a super-gardener !
That is an amazing transformation of your land from last year to this fruitful garden! I am happy for you. I know it was a big transition.
WOW! Super gardener for sure! What a job it must have been getting the land ready to plant, but well worth the effort.
I can tell you are loving your new home! Looking forward to seeing more of it and your studio, your sheep, geese, etc.
Have a great weekend to you both ~ FlowerLady
wow super gardener indeed - too impressive! abundance of fresh foods are such a blessing and turning a parking lot into paradise!
Kathy, that garden is fabulous. We have a few community gardens around here and they aren't as lush as yours. That's fantastic. He certainly has more than a green thumb... and I'm sure it was a lot of hard work!And I also checked out your other sites. Great pics! Love the Frizzled rooster!
Wow! That is a great looking, thriving garden for sure and good for him to start canning!
He really is a master gardener. That is quite a transformation that he did of a flat piece of soil.
Kudos to your super-gardener who has done a super job in transforming the land. I was wondering if you could share how he cultivated it to make it so fertile.
Oh, he really is a super-gardener!! That is an amazing garden. It all looks so green and healthy. And then to do the canning! My husband would not even know where to look for a jar. You have a beautiful place!
Oh how I wished I was your neighbor because I know you would share with me your seester....💕
Karen told me you were blogging again! So nice to catch up with you two. I "friended" you on fb also. Happy weekend.
That is the most beautiful garden I have ever seen. What wonderful food you will have to enjoy. You do indeed have a super gardener husband. Enjoy the fruits of his labor. Hugs
p.s. I no longer blog but I am on facebook. Karen's still blogs though.
The garden is beautiful and looks so thriving and abundant! Truly a master gardener! You must be so happy and proud of him. xx Karen
Everything in the garden looks fantastic! Gardener and canner too - your husband is a treasure and a blessing to have around.
Wow, and double wow! Just beautiful. I can't imagine all the work, but look at the rewards! Your new place looks beautiful and prospering.
Amazing and beautiful garden, Kathy! All your veggies in this post and the previous one look gorgeous. The yellow squash we can get at the grocery store looks terrible already. Kudos to your husband on all his hard work. And to you, too, for all those darling little sheep you craft! Blessings, Bess
What a lovely garden and how nice to have a man that loves to can!
Hi Kathy, it has been a while since I visited and I love what super gardener and you have done. Love the house, love the gardens. You are so happy and that does my heart good. I will try to keep up, don't know if the posts are not showing up on my reading list or just not seeing them when they do. I love the horseshoe things. She is very talented. Hugs to you and your wonderful family. LJ
That IS amazing! He's a superman! Very impressive. How did he prepare the soil? I would have expected to get to that level at Year three!
The garden is beautiful and looks so thriving and abundant! Truly a master gardener! You must be so happy and proud of him
doctor strange (2016)
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