~~~We had a spot of fun pond side this weekend. Hubby prepared a meal that was so delicious , I think it will be awhile before any dining out can even come close to what we ate ! Hubby has outdone himself and several fancy restaraunts !
~~~First I must comment on the wine...oh, the wine ! This is a bottle of wine we bought in the Willamette Valley in Oregon. Hubby did not tell me how much he paid for this wine, but I did not complain because we were in the area to buy some sheep for ME ! Let me just say, Hubby told me how much he paid for the bottle of wine AFTER dinner....and the bottle (before consumption) was worth far more than he paid for it.

~~~Here is one of the sheep we bought on the trip. I stayed in the car with the crate of 2 lambs while Hubby checked out
Winter's Hill vinyards' wines. It was a hot day and I needed to make sure the lambs were O.K. They were just fine and below is a picture of one of the lambs , now grown. I have to say, she is a fine ewe from
Bide-A-Wee Jacob Sheep !

~~~Here Hubby is cooking dinner for us at pond side..dear friends were here. Dear friends who we have dinner with every other week. Dear friends who we have known for many years and whose friendship is encouraging and together we have prayed for each other and shared together, and been there for each other ! (thank-you David and Kathleen)
~~~"Friendship, the wine of life, should, like a well-stocked cellar, be continually renewed;", James Boswell

~~~ While Hubby cooked we enjoyed the view of the pond. The ducks are so entertaining. I always laugh when they go bottoms up in the pond. ~~~

~~~Hubby patiently waits for me to take his picture with the meal he prepared for all of us, with love(below). My only regret is that this meal was served on plastic plates. Had I known how amazingly delicious this meal was going to be I would not have allowed Hubby to be so considerate of me by making sure there were few dishes to wash.
~~~Here Hubby shows his plate of venison medallions on orzo, with green beans and carrots from our garden. The venison is deer Hubby hunted and harvested on his annual hunting trip with our youngest son. Hubby also does his own meat cutting. The venison was soooooooo...good! Prior to the main course of venison, he served us a spinach salad with bacon and cranberries in it and his own vinegarette dressing. And the wine, what can I say..... well worth whatever he paid for it. There is no way for me to adequately describe the taste of this very, very fine 2002 vintage Pinot Noir from
Winter's Hill vineyard. Everything Hubby prepared just seemed to come together as a perfect and memorable dinner for me. Fine wine and food and fellowship! Thank-you Hubby!

~~~After dinner we sat around the fire pit, which we lit as it started to get dark. We had a wonderful time around the campfire. I don't ever want to take for granted these special times with my husband, our friends, good food and wine..and all of the many, many blessings we have!
~~~Thank-you Lord for all you have given us, the good and the bad. Help me to remember you are in control and you know what is best for us. Thank-you Lord for the blessings of friendship, humor, and the ability to appreciate your many gifts. Thank-you for your Son and Your gifts abundant! ~~~
What a wonderful evening you had. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Really enjoy your posts--one of the first things I do every morning is check in to see what you have posted. Always a pleasure to read.
Nice, very nice indeed!
What a lovely post, Kathy. A wonderful tribute to your husband's love and to the many gifts we are all given. Even the ducks were there enjoying a meal with you. Family, friends, food, fellowship---sounds like a fantastic evening to me.
What a great night! The meal and the wine sound so delicious! Thanks for sharing your good times with us!
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