~~~ "Passion :An eager outreaching of mind toward some special object ; intense affection ; fervid devotion ; " Funk and Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary~~~
~~~John and Deanne surely do exhibit passion for the animals they bring to this barn 'ANIMALS OF THE WORLD'. Every year they haul in a zebra, a zedonk, yak,watusi cattle, and a reindeer. They care for their animals and are excited to share them with people but also very protective of them.
~~~John and Deanne and her father, Stormy are also very supportive of the other people in the barn and their excitement and passion over their animals is infectious. How can you not love a baby Watusi steer, or the pretty yak getting walked by John or Deanne, or the cute little reindeer, Sugar...who needs John and Deanne to place a fan in front of her stall because even our cool fall weather is a bit too warm for a reindeer.

~~~This is one of John, Deanne and Stormy's zebras.~~~

~~~Here is Deanne with the grandchildren of another exhibitor, look, they are baby zebras ! Anyway, the other exhibitors here in this particular barn are passionate about the animals they bring to the fair. You can see it in their eyes and hear the excitement in their voices when they talk about the particular animal they love.

~~~Here is Jean Bates of
Hemlock Highlands ,with two of her grandchildren. Look at her beaming over her grandchildren, and yes, she beams like that over her cattle. She has been here year after year for a few years now. Always happy to talk about her cattle, AND her grandchildren !

~~~A Highland calf. What a pretty calf, the shaggy hair and big eyes are heart warming.~~~

~~~Another of the
Hemlock Highland calves.~~~
One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested." E.M. Forster

~~~This is Kayla Nicholson with her miniature Brahma bull. Yes, a MINIATURE Brahma bull. His name is Gus and his breed is called a Zebu which is the African - Indian name for the Brahma. Gus was quite the attraction. He was friendly and cute. Kayla would cuddle him and you just know she and Gus are crazy about each other. Kayla is talking about getting Gus a female companion of the Brahma type. Kayla's eyes sparkle when she talks about her Gus and why she likes the breed.

~~~This is Stefani Millman. She and her husband Chris have the Dexter cattle. Dexters are called miniature cattle, but they are really small cattle. If I could have a cow I would like a Dexter. Just the right size and temperament and dairy output for a small holding. Just ask Stefani about her cattle. You can see her passion for the cattle. Her husband has started making cheese from the milk of their Dexter cow. Stefani brought in some fresh milk to the barn one morning and my oh my ! Tasting the milk from a Dexter makes me realize the milk from the supermarket is a poor substitute. The cream was richer and better than the super rich whipping cream I buy to add to my coffee.

~~~Tom and his wife Penny bring their fainting goats and Katahdin hair sheep every year. Penny also superintends the barn with 2 others. Their animals are well cared for and both Penny and Tom have very strong and passionate opinions about their breed, and the politics and culture trends in livestock. I appreciate a discussion from people who can express their passion about something and the pros and cons, and at the same time they will be beaming about their animals.

~~~Two of Tom's' Katahdin sheep.~~~

~~~Yeah, yeah, Goth. We know what you're passionate about ! ~~~
The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire." Ferdinand Foch
~~~" Is not life a hundred times too short to bore ourselves ? " F. Nietzsche
~~~When I talk to people I usually try to figure out just what motivates them to get out of bed in the morning ( or afternoon) and live ! Not just pass time or get by, but what makes them want to be part of life. Each of us needs a passion for something, or many things. Each of us needs to have passion for someone. Each of us needs to have passion for something we hope will endure and make some little difference in the world. Something that should MATTER. What is your passion ? Is your passion worthy of your time, thoughts, sacrifice ?
~~~May you find your passion leading you on the road to what really matters, and that is where you have the wonder, excitement, and joy of deciding just what that may be !~~~
Whitney LOVES that you have a picture of a zebu--there's a veggie tales song about them. :-)
And Elisabet sang it all during the fair!!!
Hey Kathy, nice pictures and short bios on some of our fellow barn mates. Farm folk have to be passionate about many things.
Right now I am passionate about getting my fucshias, geraniums, begonias, gerbera daisies, and cannas preserved and propagated for next year, That is where I am headed today!
Have a good day and snuggle those grandgirls till they squeal!
That zebra is so cool and those calves, so sweet! Looks like you are having a great time.
Hi, just loved looking and reading as always! blessings, Kathleen
Kathy, this was a wonderful post. It is our passions that make our lives enriching and worthwhile. I loved all the pictures and meeting the people and their animals was a real treat. :)
Thank you for posting such wonderful posts about the fair! We missed our fair this year because we went down for the JSBA AGM, which we loved, but I really missed the fair! I LOVE the zebu's and if I chose cattle instead of sheep those are what I would have along with a couple highlands :)
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