~What can I say, the cute factor is here big time at Cedar Pond! Chicks...little, teeny, fluffy, peeping, cute, baby chickens!~

~My order ( yes, ORDER ) of chicks came in the mail today...in a little box too! I ordered 15 Cuckoo Marans , they are the black and white chicks, and 10 Welsummer chicks. Both breeds will grow to lay dark, chocolate colored eggs. ( above, the chicks in their box before I moved them to their brooding box)~

~ I couldn't resist, I let the chicks run around for awhile. Welsummer chick is on the left, the Maran is the black and white chick.~

~It is so amazing to me that as soon as chicks hatch out they are able to drink water, look for food, and all they need is warmth, food and water, and protection. They eat, drink, forage and seek warmth by themselves. Nobody taught them this!~

~My cat proof brooder. See, the very grill you barbecue your chicken on can also be the very grill that protects your little chicks from the house cat...our Miss Marple. Here ( above ) I have placed the chickens in a big Rubbermaid bin with the grill as a cover, and the heat lamps are sitting on top to keep the chicks warm. They will be in this brooder in the sun room for about a week, then I will move them outside to a my big brooding shed.~

~Cuckoo Maran Chick~
I love seeing these cute little chicks Kathy. I bet Miss Marple is very enthusiastic too!
I hope you and your husband have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Marple probably has all sorts of visions in her head when she sees those cute little chicks! LOL!
Your getting quite an array of colored eggs. Pretty soon you won't have to color eggs at Easter unless the granddaughters want the pastel pink or dark purple eggs.
I'm so jealous...
the marans are certainly unique in appearance already! wow - my 8 were a clean up mess I'm more than impressed you'll be caring for 25.Did you get rid of many of the other chickens you had? I know you wanted the dark dark egg colors. It is such fun - I haven't had chickens of my own --well since living summers with grandparents (and that was more than half a century ago!) .Ah my word verification is clenefun - yes chickens are clean fun
Love babies, love the fluff...want to squeeze them!
Your Maran chick looks like he's dressed for a trip to Russia or maybe even the arctic!! How often do you have to bottle feed your chicks since they did not come with a mother hen to nurse them??? =)
Mildred, and Shellmo, Miss Marple AND our Vizsla Hawk check the chicks out frequently. Both appreciate poultry and these must be our version of chicken nuggets!
Wobegone Cottage, actually, I get pastel pink eggs too! Now purple, still need the dye!
Sand Flat Farm, can you have some chicks soon?
Linda Sue, I did not get rid of any chickens, but will take some cute frizzles and doves to a Market for sale tomorrow...I have 12 grown layers right now and too many bantams...all laying eggs. I am hoping the chicks I am raising will be my next batch of layers.
Noble Pig, we have a dear friend who used to say that when she was little.." ooo, they're so cute you just want to squeeze them". But she did not squeeze them too hard.
A.Joy, ha ha! Good thing they don't need that kind of feeding, could you imagine that mess?
Chicks newly hatched, (goat) kids first born, always seem to have the instinct bred into them to go to get a drink/eat (or nurse). A lot of these sorts of things have amazed me recently!
Congrats on the chicks Kathy!
Fun for everyone :) They are very cute.
Oh they are just too cute, Kathy!
*Sigh*... I love chickies...
HA HA! Sort of ironic about that grill over their heads! The chicks are soooo cute, Kathy. Looks like a lot of fun to watch them.
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