"It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." A.Holmes

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Summer Garden & the Grapes Are Running Amok !

 The grape vines are taking over Cedar Pond. In the orchard, in the front porch gardens,even the front porch itself they are running amok ! It is a good thing my sheep love to eat grapevines because my husband & I have a steady supply of snacks for them. There is no need to wonder where to cast all the prunings and weedings we do around here. With poultry , sheep, and a goat, the excess grape vines, blackberry vines, and edible weeds are quickly eaten and turned into fertilizer for next year's gardens.
 Look ! Our male kiwi is finally climbing the arbor towards the female kiwi. She is shy and taking her time growing towards him. We thought she was dead, but no...she tentatively cast a tendril upward and towards him and maybe next spring they'll meet and touch. Who knows, they may produce fruit for us sooner than expected, but not this year. 
 My hydrangea is blooming too. The blue flowers are among my favorites in my garden, but if I let my watch down the grapes will strangle her. It is good to have pruning shears in my hands when I check her out. Those grapes are kind of sneaky, the way they weave in and out of the flowers and bushes around here.
 My granddaughter's bicycle sports a hanging geranium,a gift from my sister.
 The honeybees love these flowers planted near my dovecote. I do too.
And then, there is Hawk, who simply wants to be near me, no matter where I am, but especially in the garden where he will find the most comfortable spot to supervise my work. Summer gardening around here means taming the grape & blackberry vines, training the kiwi, harvesting from the vegetable garden anything the wild rabbits have left us after their nightly feasts, and remembering this season passes quickly,so enjoy and be thankful for all  it brings. ( mosquitos too ? ) Now I am hoping the little birds will leave us some of the grapes from the grape vines run amok. Grape juice and grape jelly from our own grapes would be a very nice treat for a winter's breakfast. Happy gardening to you !


Buttons Thoughts said...

A beautiful post Kathy that hawk means something special I know because I have one following me lately too and it always comforts me I am sure you feel that too.
Take care HUGS B

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Kathy. So many pretty blooms and such a devoted and handsome companion Hawk is. We are enjoying record setting cool days...it's delightful! God bless you this weekend.

Unknown said...

Love your post today! I enjoy walking around the yard and seeing what is new each day! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

We made grape juice last year, too. There is nothing like "real" grape juice! I drank so much of it while I was pregnant! ha! You've got a pretty place there. :) (Oh, and yes, I'm learning to "enjoy" the mosquitoes, too.)

Connie said...

Kathy I enjoyed seeing these photos. Everything looks so lush and beautiful there. The photo of Hawk made me smile. :)

A Woman that Fears the Lord said...

Your place is just lovely! And those little wool sheep are adorable! You are very gifted!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

You have a lovely garden and Hawk is the best work supervisor ever!

Nib's End said...

I planted five serviceberry shrubs this year and harvested only a handful of berries in June. That is because the birds and the grandchildren got to them first. I don't mind; I loved watching them both!

Really? Kiwi? Looking forward to seeing them grow.

Debbie said...

I enjoyed spending time with you in your garden today. So funny to see Kawke sitting in that andirondack!
Beautiful garden!

Anonymous said...

Vi por casualidad tu blog y pienso quedarme en él siempre.