"It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." A.Holmes

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Silly-Frilly Chicken Is Wearing the Green !

 Of course chickens don't wear clothes, so what's a chick to do to put on the green for St. Patrick's Day ?
 Dye her frilly feathers !
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you !
* This little frizzled hen had large mud clumps stuck to her feet and I needed to give her a bath. After shampooing her I rinsed her in warm water with green food coloring added to it.The food coloring will not harm her or her feathers.


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

How cute she looks! Such a lovely soft green too.

Happy Spring dear Kathy ~ FlowerLady

Connie said...

She is all decked out for the day! :) Happy St. Patrick's Day, Kathy!

Rian said...

Here's to the 'wearing of the green' Kathy! Love the Frizzle chicken!

Cynthia said...

So pretty she is! I'm sure the other girls were all jealous!

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

Hope you had a happy St. Patty's day and love the chicken in green!

Deb said...

I had to laugh at that last pose.:)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

She is adorable! I had no idea chickens were given baths and had their muddy feet cleaned - just like my dog.

Anonymous said...

So darn cute!!

Stella Jones said...

She looks gorgeous and your comments took me back to when I kept chickens. They used to get clumpy, muddy feet too and I washed them like you said. Thing was I didn't know if I was supposed to do that! So nice to hear that you do it too. Now I don't feel so stupid!

Antiques And Teacups said...

That is so cute! I have never seen that type of chicken.

Pondside said...

Well, you should be selling photos of that Silly Frilly chicken to a greeting card company!

Tea in Texas said...

Your Silly Frilly chicken is so darling in her green. She definitely has a personality. Thanks for the kind comments!
Enjoy the Spring weather!


Deanna said...

She's a cute chik! Love the green. May you have a blessed Easter and SPRING.

Anonymous said...

How sweet! Stopping by to wish you and yours a happy Easter, Keeping you in our prayers at this busy time in your lives. I have up a post with our new dog.

L. D. said...

She is so frilly and the green gives her a new look for spring.

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

Ha what a pretty chicken all decked out for St Paddy's Day!! :)

Lady Jane said...

Sorry I missed this on St Paddys day. What a pretty chick...