~We had a peaceful weekend.Saturday my Hubby surprised me with a dozen red roses in the morning and in the evening we fellow-shipped with our church family in our daughter and her family's home . We had a wonderful dinner and time with our friends in Steilacoom on Sunday, and Monday we cleared up more of the storm damage around our property, cleaned up the coyote destroyed duck pen and started the re-building of a much better pen. Hubby and I had a campfire down by the pond and enjoyed the sunny day and spring like weather.
~As usual, when I am busy doing labor that requires little thought, why , my thoughts just take to wandering. Above is a picture I took Friday afternoon of our Valentine gift to our daughters' family. A Betta and some of the cranberry liqueur , plus some cranberry bread. As I was photographing this I was fascinated by the beauty of the sun shining through the liqueur and the Betta container. So clear, the reflections of the sun on and through the water were , well, for lack of a better word...beautiful. Whenever I am struck by beauty in simple things my mind flies to God and His creation and His gift of allowing us to appreciate beauty. Here are a few verses from the Bible that came to mind:"
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they ( humankind) are without excuse, for even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks...professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures." Romans 2:21-23

~ And...."
But now ask the beasts , and let them teach you; And the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you.Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you; and let the fish of the sea declare to you. Who among these does not know That the hand of the Lord has done this, in whose hand is the life of everything, and the breath of all mankind." Job 12 : 7-9
Blessings: friends, fellowship, beauty in every day things, quiet weekends with my Hubby
Your photos are absolutely gorgeous. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.
He restoreth my soul - sounds as if you got a lot done (always a good feeling) and shared sweet time with people you love - a perfect Valentine's weekend. Beautiful colors in your pictures and yes - the Lord has done this.
What a beautiful picture! I am glad you had such a nice Valentine's Day!
It is so nice to be in a blog that glorifies God's name. :)
Love the photos! I often think I'd like to have different colored glass balls all throughout our garden because I like seeing light through colored glass so much. Everything tasted fabulous and 'Val' the fish is doing great. Got some food for it on Sunday. Down side - Tater now circles the dining table whining trying to stare at the fish.
Mildred, thank-you!
LindaSue, we did get a lot done, but in our own relaxed way. Plenty of time to reflect on God's goodness.
Shiloh Prairie,thank-you. I have been enjoying your pictures too!
Lanny, and again I say "AMEN!"
Grace, thank-you for visiting and your kind comment!
A.Joy, glad this gift entertains the WHOLE family. Don't be surprised when Cocoa Bean begins drinking the Betta water...my cats do!
Kathy, your words (which go much beyond words), and the beauty that you see and find, and knowing who the beauty comes from, never ceases to strike me. :)
You would enjoy the windows that frame my front door. I have loved them ever since we moved in! There is cut glass that creates rainbows all over the house in the afternoon, and the patterns in the glass remind me of the ice crystals that often form on our other windows in the winter. They even sparkle just like the ice! I think you should come visit sometime, JUST to see my windows. ;-)
Mary, thank-you, I imagine you too rejoice in His creation every day there, among your beloved goats and the miracle of soaps and lotions you make from their milk.
Bil n' Meg, I think I do have to come visit...just your windows, huh ?They sound so pretty, will you post a picture of them ?Maybe I will visit with you all too!
Those are two of the prettiest pictures I have ever seen. I'm glad you and Hubby had a good weekend.
I loved your wedding pictures!
I thought about that, but I'm not sure a photo would do them any sort of justice. I might try though. It's been cloudy for a couple days, so I'll have to wait for another bright, sunny one.
The cranberry liqueur looks beautiful in the bottles with the sunlight. What a beautiful Valentine's gift!
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