~The Primroses are blooming, spring is here.....I think.....~

~As I was preparing dinner late Monday afternoon the sky darkened and this is my view from the kitchen, out onto Cedar Pond~

~Tuesday, there is snow everywhere. The temperatures dropped to below 20 degrees early in the morning and are to be as low, record setting low temperatures, today. Still, I snapped these pictures of flowers blooming amidst the snow. Above are some crocuses that burst through the Ajuga, can you see the brave honeybee that ventured out into bee-killing temperatures to get nectar and pollen?

~Bright yellow Primroses. These Primroses bloom and reproduce every year.~

~And my Hubby's Hellebores, blooming in the snow. They are so hardy and such faithful bloomers. Food for the bees and flowers for the soul in the last days of winter and early days of spring when the weather is unpredictable and deadly to so many other plants that bloom.~
~"Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow." Alice M. Swain ~
You have featured some of my very favorite plants. We have had 80 degree days since Sunday but cooler weather is expected by the weekend. Hope you have a good day.
Nice to see some pretty blooms on this dreary day! And that was a brave bee to venture out!
Lovely, can't wait until our flowers start blooming but I am glad we haven't had anymore snow here though!
What gorgeous pictures! I especially like the one with the brave little bee. The weather has went from up in the 70's back down to 30's & 40's this week. I much prefer the 70 degree weather!
I'll match that picture of a helebore and raise you three birds and two...
Oh quick, lets get lots of things done it is clear outside.
And in the Appalachian Mountains of southwest VA we're having 70 degree weather and a gentle rain!
The flowers are lovely, especially the helebores.
How pretty the blossoms look even with the snow! Stay warm! blessings,Kathleen
Your picture makes me wish I'd given in and planted some hellebores - spring is so blamed unpredictable around here hard to know which day it will be! Beauty is a balm to the heart.
The snow is beautiful! Especially with the flowers peeking through!
Thank-you all,And we have another night and early morning with the temperatures in the 20's and teens. The bees were out again today around noon, taking cleansing flights and stocking up on whatever nectar and pollen they could find. I have the wood stove going and our home is very warm....but this prolonged winter has used up more firewood than usual, good thing we have a lot of downed trees in our woods for next year's wood supply.
Such beautiful flowers, Kathy. Spring is on its way as soon as it can shake off that last grip of winter. :)
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