~This is one of many little frizzled bantam hens I have. She weighs less than a pound and is at least two years old. Notice the feathers. They are very curly and curl backwards. This little hen is covered from head to tail to feet in shiny blue-black curly feathers. She has several sisters in the bantam pen that resemble her. Isn't she cute?

~Close up of the feathers. "
Frizzles are one of our odd breeds, and little is known about their origin." American Poultry Standard of Perfection~

~Close up of the wings and wing tips. "
It is not unprofessional to give free legal advice, but advertising that the first visit will be free is a bit like the fox telling the chickens he will not bite them until they cross the threshold of the hen house." Warren E. Burger

~Aren't her tail feathers frilly and flaunting? She is so tiny and soft and curly. She lays eggs too! I still don't understand why more people do not have pet chickens. They are so much less bother than cats and dogs and parrots! Plus, they lay eggs you can eat and they are very funny. Chickens can get very attached to people too and are easily contained should it be necessary. They are cheap to buy and keep, what more could a person want? You can even bathe them regularly to keep them smelling fresh.Hey, some people even dress their chickens in cute little outfits......can't you just picture the rich and famous cruising all the best places with a smart little chicken in their big handbags or sports cars?
"If you want to save a species, simply decide to eat it. Then it will be managed-like chickens, like turkeys, like deer, like Canadian geese." Ted Nugent ~
Blessings: chickens and all their variety and entertaining ways, chicken eggs
Those feathers are so beautiful! I've always wanted a chicken! One day...
I have never seen little hens like this! So cute. I agree, chickens make the most wonderful pets. Mine run out to see me everytime I come outside. Such a happy feeling from that!{: Blessings,Kathleen
She is beautiful. I've never seen hens like her before and did not know they befriend you. Interesting post.
I think that's the cutest chicken I've ever seen! I'm bound & determined to have some chickens one day soon!
As for Goth - that name really fits him! Those horns are huge! I bet he's really embarrassed to be so naked ...
Funny and unique looking chickens Kathy!
I loved reading about this hen. She is beautiful!
Ahh we all love the unusual. You really need to take a look at the "Show Girl" chickens!
Beautiful chickens, do you name them? I couldn't read against the blue background, sorry.
Laughing at Orca Ranch blog has some seriously funny,k appropriate names for her chickens, I always howl with laughter. Her link is on my blog.
Flashy chickens - woo hoo. My soon to arrive chicks won't be nearly so gorgeous, more plain jane but they'll make those murmuring sounds when they are in the coop all warm and quiet - chickens are good - fried but also as pets and I wouldn't say that about most any other pets! HA! Loverly bird
Wow, those are pretty nice feathers. I wonder if other hens are jealous?
She is beautiful and so so cute!
Very cute! Those kind of chickens are all decked out in their Sunday best no matter what day of the week it is! :D
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