~Between storms there were spots of sunshine. I took my camera outside and snapped shots of things around our home that made me happy, I couldn't help myself, they made me be happy!How could the pretty and dainty bleeding hearts ( above ) all in a row not make you smile? "
Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys.If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it." Fyodor Dostoevsky

~I was surprised one late afternoon a week or so ago to see a Wood Duck fly into the hollowed top of this Cedar snag that has been here near the edge of our pond since we moved in, and before we built our home, 20 years ago. I have since observed the Wood Duck fly swiftly to this snag and disappear into it several times. I am hoping to see the ducklings emerge and throw themselves out of this snag to begin their journey of life out of the hole in the snag. This too makes me so happy."
If you want to be happy, be." Leo Tolstoy

~I call this one of the 'secret places' here at Cedar Pond. It is in the wet and marshy places between our home and that of Hubby's sister and her husband. It is so dark and wet and filled with intertwined roots and small trees we rarely venture in, but it is beautiful in its' own way and I have observed wild ducks and my ducks happily paddling in the muck and quite a few Ruffed Grouse, along with many native small birds. Tonight my Hubby and I observed a Spotted Owl perched above this area. This makes us both very happy!
"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

~One of our many rhododendrons in bloom.
"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have." Frederick Keonig

~ Little blue-eyed, broken, Candy Cat who does not seem to realize she is not all the average cat is, the sight of her soaking up sunshine by the rhododendron makes me happy."
Now and then it is good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."Guilaume Apollinaire

~White Bleeding Hearts, growing by our front porch!"
If you observe a really happy man you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden, or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under the radiator.He will not be striving for it as a goal in itself. He will have become aware that he is happy in the course of living life twenty-four crowded hours of the day." W. Beran Wolfe
"Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers' gardens." Douglas Jerrold
~So don't worry, be happy!~
The smallest things in life bring forward happiness...and I wish that could be realized by everyone, especially those that might unhappily live in the fast lane.
Isn't it wonderful to wander around the yard and enjoy all that God has given us? Candy Cat in the warm sun is my favorite picture Kathy. I can just imagine her purring.
I would be overjoyed and tickled pink in these surroundings! Continue being happy and making us happy with your beautiful photos. blessings,Kathleen
Very beautiful thoughts and pictures. My co-worker has a plaque that says: Don't grieve because it is over. Be thankful that it happened.
You live in such a wonderful place! Hope you have little baby wood ducklings! (We keep hoping a pair will nest in our wood duck box we put up on the lake.)
Your post and your pictures just made me very happy. I think I'll go out and see some of the "bright spots" that God left for me.
Good happy beautiful things you have there around you!
Thanks for your sweet comments on my last post! We are doing well, and moments like Sr. Rings help alot! It's the little things along the journey that we take with us that make us happy!
I just found your blog and I love the photos and the inspirational writing. You have a wonderful blog. I loved the beautiful pink flowers. Please visit my blog and leave a comment.
Beautiful post. Wood ducks are so pretty! We have had a pair here in the mornings for the last couple of days.
It's true; the things God-made are the things that satisfy most and bring the most happiness. I'm so glad He's opened our eyes so we can see that! So much to see! I had to laugh at your post header; very true!
What a wonderful, reflective post. I love your view of life. So true, nature also makes me happy. Reminds me of the power and all knowing of our Lord. He certainly is in control of all things :-)
I love the bleeding hearts. They always make me happy.
No wonder you're so happy, it's just beautiful there!
I named you for an award on my post today for the beautiful pictures that you have posted and the uplifting thoughts.
So many blessings and reasons to be happy, Kathy. :) I enjoyed the photos. I've never seen white bleeding hearts before. Those are pretty! Loved the quotes accompanying the photos.
How absolutely beautiful. What a gorgeous place you have. And yes, happiness is a choice. We can choose to be happy.
Your pictures make me happy. :-)
I have been happily slogging around, even happily wiping the steady drizzle of water that goes down my part and onto my face with my muddy hands and happily greeting Dirt whenever he happily gets home. And I happily ate the oatmeal cookies Bet made today. And happily laughed at the puppies antics that Anna called me back out into the rain to watch.
What a beautiful post. I loved the quotes and the photos and your wonderful home. I'm happily watching the birds feeding from the nuts and seeds I put out yesterday! Our garden is lovely, yours is amazing!! I do hope the wood ducks breed and that you manage to get some photos for us to see. I am smiling!
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