~Our local community center is hosting
Lacamas Community Center SATURDAY MARKET !
This will be the first, but hopefully not the last of a Market attempting to promote , encourage, and profit the small holdings in the area. Many in this area grow or raise farm produce, farm animals, or products made from what is grown on their small holdings. I will be bringing things to sell too. Yarn ( above ) and wool batts ( below ) from the fleece of my Jacob sheep.

~.....the last of the little purses I made of my handwoven fabric.....
~ I also spent a fair bit of time today deciding which of my many Frizzles I could bear to sell...and after choosing, rounding up, and dusting them with an insecticide type powder ( poultry dust )..I crated up three Frizzles to sell....a rooster and 2 small hens.

~I have a few dozen farm fresh eggs to sell....~

~...and after a busy winter, my dove population has reached a number that cries for MORE dove pens, and much more money for the Dove & Quail Food, or..yup, gotta sell some doves . I decided on the 4 I could part with and they too were dusted with poultry dust and crated for the market.

~Since this is the very first SATURDAY MARKET, and the weather forecast calls for rain and low temperatures, there might be a small turn-out, but I will dress warm and bring my spinning wheel to spin up more yarn while I visit with friends who also will be selling their farm products. I fully intend to have fun, no matter what, and I hope we continue to do this throughout the year...so if you're in the area, come on out to Lacamas Community Center and browse! Maybe something will strike your fancy and you will buy too!
Sounds like a great day in store for you. Wish I could sit and chat while you spin away! Best wishes for a successful day Kathy.
I wish I could come. I would like some of those lovely colored eggs. Fresh eggs are the best. I think plenty of hot coffee is in order too! I could bring some treats to go with the coffee but I am a bit far and would be expensive for just the day:) We do hope to get out there soon. It sounds like Judy and Ashley and Megan and her family may be out this year..ENJOY YOU DAY sounds like fun...but then I always enjoy visiting.
Good luck today, you should be rewarded for all you do to care for those animals!
Does sound as if you have a splendid day in store - those frizzles will find just the right home in no time and doves too. Hope this does become a more constant thing - I learned a new word this week - locavores - part of the idea of buy local, eat local as a green concept (I just call it good sense!) enjoy
Hello Kathy, Mildred sent me!! I am a gardener and weave too, but I make bags from old clothes and other re-cycled things. Your bag looks remarkably like mine!! If you'd like to see 2 of mine, they're on my sidebar.
I love the wool you have from your Jacobs Sheep. It look beautiful and I would buy your chickens in a flash, but maybe Ireland is a bit far for them to travel! I hope you have a very successful day and will be back to see....
Kathy, I hope to read up tomorrow on all of the blessings that you beheld today!
Good luck!!! I would be awfully tempted by the doves - they are beautiful.
What a wonderful activity! I would so love to be there :-).
You have a wonderful variety of items to sell...best of luck.
How fun!
Thank-you for your comments.....today was interesting. I was outside , under my new pop-up 10 by 10 covering and glad of the cover. Mostly it sprinkled, then a sun break..then a deluge! And I mean a deluge! When I finally loaded stuff up and came home I had to wait inside for awhile because of a downpour and high winds!
I did make a small profit, I sold one of my purses , 2 Frizzle hens and a dozen eggs! I got to visit with people I know and enjoy, almost finished spinning up some white wool, and ideas for better display next time!
Now if the weather cooperates next month for the Saturday Market , well, all the better.
You have such a wonderful selection for the market, you're sure to do quite well. gulp. Selling animals... that's always SO difficult for Dave and I; we hardly sell animals these days. Did someone purchase the doves as well or did they come home?
I hope it went well. You have so many wonderful products to sell. You are so talented and crafty. :)
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