This is my new ram Swallow Lane Barnaby! I love him already. He is a perfect gentleman, for a ram. He is nice to the ladies, great with his new pal Black Bart, and follows me around like a puppy dog. I hope he is able to live here for a very long time! Barnaby came from Swallow Lane Jacob Sheep , and Mark and Cathie from Swallow Lane took Cedar Pond's Vandal home with them. Most of my best sheep trace their lineage back to Swallow Lane and I am privileged to have some new bloodlines from them again. My ram Goth is the son of Swallow Lane Torque, who I bought from Mark and Cathie a few years ago. I have been very happy with the lambs and sheep from Torque's line! Thank-you Mark and Cathie!
Being the gentleman he is, I am thinking Barnaby could use a few etiquette lessons and who better to learn proper etiquette from than Emily Post? If you are "in the throes of etiquette"
( as The Stick Horse Cowgirls say), then you too should consider checking out their blog. Click here * for a chance to win an original , genuine, 1945 book of 'Etiquette' by Emily Post. You could glean all sorts of information that should come in handy. Like, the difference between balls and dances. And what color suit YOUR butler should wear. Useful stuff like that. I know I put my name in the hat , because I for one do not want to be considered a "vulgarian" by the likes of Miss Emily and her friends!
Good Morning Kathy, Swallow Lane Barnaby is a good lookin' fella! That is precious that he follows you around. I hope you have a good day today.
Hello Kathy!
I read all your new posting and like you blog.
Many years ago I was on vacation in Seattle and surroundings and it was great!
Your goats are so cute :)
Hava a great day
Kathy he is so cute! That's funny that he follows you around.
Regarding your comment on my blog about my camera, sometimes I take it out in the yard with me and sometimes I don't. I do wish I had had it with me when the birdies popped out.
I hope I'm allowed to say this; he's so cute! I'm glad he's friendly. He really is a beautiful ram. There; that sounds more dignified.
Yes, I lost all my pictures yesterday, including my headers created by my daughter. Luckily I can compel her to make me more. But I'm starting from scratch. It's worth it to have a computer that runs well.
Looks like your Barnaby is settling in quickly and he must really like you. I must say, those are odd looking fellows with the double horns. I like his coloring - hope he'll be a great asset to your herd!
As for the red barn - yep, I probably won't see my guys much now that they have a "guy hangout". No TV, but I'm sure they can find all sorts of stuff to entertain themselves with!
So you are keeping Goth the Impaler around? He does sire great looking sheep - hope Barnaby Jones (remember that Buddy Ebsen show?) has a long and productive life with you. About etiquette - well we try not to belch at the table unless we are eating chili and beer and avoid scratching places other folks might find offensive - but I rarely do "the right thing" - in fact my foot is in my mouth so often I make sure I wash my shoes!
Very nice ram and he'll provide quality genes to upgrade the flock.
I fixed the link; hope you didn't mind the link but if you do, please let me know and I'll remove immediately.
Congrats on your new boy - he is very handsome!
Love it,..."gentleman for a ram". LOL!!!
To be honest, I do not know if I could tolerate anything, or anyone else following me around. I AM always tripping, stepping on, or butting into my husband or my dog -they hang closer than a secret service detail team.
Barnaby is beautiful, Kathy!! I hope he continues his gentlemanly ways!!
Mildred, I think Barnaby will just get better and better too, he is still a young thing!
Brigitte,Thank-you! Seattle and the surroundings are beautiful and there is so much to do in this area .
Susie, as much as I too , have my camera with me I seem not to have it when the most amazing things happen. Then I wish my memory would retain the precise details of such occurrences and that I had the words to describe them...
Debbie, I think Barnaby would like to be called 'cute', if he could understand.
I sure do love Swallow Lane Barnaby. He's a good looking fellow. I think it's so cute that he follows you around.
I came here yesterday and got distracted before leaving comments. Oh well!
Tickled at your no vulgarion comment!
Your new man will make some beautiful wool. Will his colors change? And, like goats, are lambs sometimes born with a mix of both red and black spots?
Debbie, I hope you are able to recover your most important pictures, Ouch!The computer crash has to be painful for you.
Vickie, I can already tell Barnaby is going to be a magnificent ram, and yes, a lot of people think these sheep are odd looking, and believe them to be goats. I can see why.I have 2 5 horned ewes ( girls sheep) and a 6 horn ewe lamb now. And when you get that many horns on their head things get interesting.
Linda Sue, ha ha! Goth the Impaler, very appropriate! Yes, he stays. He has his own harem keeping him busy right now. As long as he does not go after me with single minded murderous intent he can live long and prosper! You are hilarious! Clean feet, belches and all!
Sandra, I don't mind a link at all and yes, Barnaby also has a nice fleece and nice fleeces for Jacobs is a big plus so I am hoping that part of his genes does get passed down.
English Cottage, guess that is why the secret service are pros, they keep close without tripping people over. Ha ha. My 4 house dogs and 2 cats think they all need to be in trip-over distance too and it is hard to side step that many furry bodies.
Paula , Thank-you. I believe Mark and Cathie Williams will very much appreciate the compliment.
Shannon, he was there at Black Sheep, now I need to look up the Black Sheep newsletter for the picture of him in there.
Brenda, I like him following me too as long as he is only interested in the hay or just curious.
Mary, Barnaby is really black and white, the sun bleaches the tips of the wool and they look brown. There are lilac and white Jacob sheep too, the lilac is best described as grey and I have had lilac jacobs, love the beautiful shades of blue-gray wool from them.
Barnaby is a handsome fellow. He will surely create some handsome babies. Good to hear he is a perfect gentleman.
That Barnaby is a keeper!!
What a gorgeous ram! I love his color and he does have a kind expression. I bet you can't wait to see the babies he produces!
Barnaby is quite a handsome fellow. It was nice to meet him! :)
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