~CT, #1 Grandson and I spent some time together. I picked him up, took him to his Tai Kwon Do lessons and watched him . As his Grandma I know I am a bit biased, but really, he does his moves and exercises very, very well. After lessons I got to take him home to spend the night with Hubby and I. We realized he is growing up quickly, and I hope he doesn't get too old or bored with us to spend time with us, because we love him and want to spend a LOT of time with him.

~I took him bowling today. We went to a little 8 lane bowling alley together. I have not bowled since high school...I was a pretty good bowler and was in a bowling league a long time ago. You would never know it from the gutter balls I threw today. CT has only ever bowled once before and look at the score below! His is the higher score. I think we will be bowling together at least twice a month, and I am determined he and I will be competing against each other and THIS Grandma hopes to give him a run for his money, and NOT in the gutter either.

~This score is pathetic. Oh sure, I have a slew of excuses and am very comvincing with them, but really, this is some crummy bowling.~

~We also played our
Wildcraft game and we pretty much tied. This is a game of herbal education and also promotes working together for the benefit of all players. In other words, this game rewards being nice to the other players. I like games like this, so does he because he had his choice of games for us to play together and he chose this one.
~Hubby and I are so blessed to be able to be part of our grandchildrens' lives, and are also blessed because our grandchildren want us to be part of their lives. CT is our first of 8 grandchildren and he is growing up so quickly. I hope I never, ever forget each day is fleeting and even the moments spent just holding a young one on my lap, reading a story, or listening to them as they tell me about their interests is about as good as it gets in this life . Thank-you Lord!
Blessings: grandsons, time spent with grandsons
A handsome grandson Kathy and it looks like a very talented one also. I was fortunate to be a part of my nieces/nephews lives growing up. Now I only need to look at the photographs to see how quickly they have grown up. So thankful to the Lord for our special times together. Hope you will share more of your bowling challenge!
How fun! I love every minute that I do get to spend with my niece's but it's not very often though and soon I'll have a little nephew in the family too but they live in GA now though but my Mom, my sister, and myself are planning a trip there in a couple of months though.
What a cutie! I love that you have one on one time with each grandchild. My little darling will come over tomorrow after nap time and will spend the night and most of Saturday with us. I can't wait. This is going to be his first time to spend the night without mom and dad and I hope it goes well. He is a very routine oriented little guy so I hope he won't miss his own little bed too much. We plan to make homemade play dough, blow lots of bubbles, and dinner out at a favorite play place. He is sure to want a bit of outside time with Grandpa too. Children's children really are our crown aren't they? Have a wonderful day!
He's gorgeous! And don't worry, you and he will just become even better and better friends as he gets older. My grandson will be 13 (!!!) next month, and he still phones me two or three times a week, just to chat. They spent the weekend with me last weekend, and we always have fun. Relationships with grandchildren are special.
Great pictures! You can tell how much fun is having.
And he is blessed to have you in his life. My grand parents meant a lot to me as I was growing up, and they still do. He looks like a very happy young man, and a very lucky one too, full of confidence!
He is so cute. So glad you can spend time with him! Have a good weekend, blessings, Kathleen
You are such a good grandmother! I'm sure he loved every minute spent with you. What a fun day filled with so many activities!
Mildred, I am hoping to bowl with him quite a bit,we'll see.
Amy, You must be so excited about a nephew, and I can tell you love your nieces to pieces! You seem to me the perfect, loving, fun aunt!
Miss Sandy,Oh boy! The first night with Grandma and Grandpa...so much fun! Aren't grandchildren just the very best gift God gives us through our children?
Jo, how right you are ! And, you have a 13 year old grandson ? Are you old enough? Yes, my Grandson was our first grandchild and he is a blessing, but it is hard enough to think he is almost 10, but goodness 13 ?
Shiloh Prairie, he does have fun, and we hang out here at home at his request, so he must like it, I hope!
Mary, I am always encouraged by the adults I know who said their grandparents made a difference in their lives and were important. Thank-you!
Kathleen, I never take for granted the chance to spend time with him, thank-you.
Noble Pig, I think he had fun, especially since I let him choose our activities. And thank-you for the kind comments. I hope he remembers these time fondly when he is grown.
hi grandma! i had fun at your house. can't wait to go bowling again. love, CT.
What a joy to be able to spend time with your grandson. I bet the time just flew by while you were with him. You are making memories both of you will treasure.
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