~Thank-you all so very much for your prayers and well wishes. I had so many plans this week. I deliberately made sure this week was set aside to finish a lot of fiber projects and get going on my plans to actually do more with my fiber business than just earn back my "hay money". Well you know what they say about best laid plans..."
It is an ill plan that cannot be changed." Latin Proverb

~Most of this week has been spent on the sofa, in pain, with my cats jumping on and off me...and as much comfort as the cats have brought me in the past, I was in so much pain that the cats curled around me only contributed MORE pain and discomfort. The pain was so bad though that I literally could not lift or move them off me and most definitely could not get up off the sofa and put them outdoors. I could not sit at all. Or walk. Which left reclining, very carefully, in the only position that afforded relief.
"Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised." Dennis Waitley

~Joey ( above ) the snuggliest cat was not happy about being pushed off the sofa . He is also a sulking kind of cat, and he is a guard cat too. He looks out the window and growls for me when someone comes down our driveway.
~Anyway, yesterday was so awful that when Hubby came home we went to the doctor.Hubby had to dress me because I could not bend, or move sideways without blinding pain.... I don't like going to the doctor even though I have a very nice lady doctor I trust. It was hard for Hubby to get me to the doctor because I almost passed out from pain as I tried to SIT in the passenger seat. We ended up laying me down in the car, on my side. You should have seen me getting out of the car. I kind of slithered sideways , feet first out onto the clinic parking lot. In the waiting room I could not sit, so stood for a LONG time waiting my turn to see the doctor.
~At 9:00 p.m. she gave me a shot that was a potent anti-inflammatory, and by 11:00 that evening I was feeling MUCH better. I am now feeling so much better I have to be careful and remember it is the meds that are helping and still take it easy for a few more days.

~Hubby has done all my heavy chores, he was dressing me, and cooking for me, he picked up my meds, and I know he is always there for me.
~The cats are here for me too. ( Miss Marple and Candy above ) I still have a lot of unfinished projects to do, but what if things were so bad the projects could not get done? My sheep look about to pop with lambs any minute and I really think I might have at least 1 lamb before the weekend. As I lay on the sofa in pain I realized a lot of my life depends on me being healthy and able bodied. It depends on Hubby being somewhat able bodied and his health has not been good this past year. We make plans dependent on things in our lives remaining predictably the same and when life throws us a foul ball, a devastating downturn...why, we ( i ) sometimes fall apart .Guess that is where the "trust in the Lord" comes in!
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Loed. They are plans for good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope." Joshua 29:11
Blessings: my husband, cats, pain meds
Sorry to hear about the back, Kathy, and I hope the shot continues to provide relief so you can mend. Sending prayers your way
I hope the shot is the magic that you needed. Take care and remember not to do to much.
That is terrible! I am glad the shot gave you some relief! What pretty cats you have! That is funny that one of them growls, we have a cat that thinks she is a dog too and growls when someone knocks at the door.
So sorry you have been in so much pain. Praying that you continue to feel better each day and that soon you can do those things that give you so much joy. With time spent on the sofa "thinking" about all those projects, it will make them seem even better when you can actually do them!
My heart goes out to you! I know back pain can be so unbearable and it makes it hard to think or do anything. I hope this shot continues to ease your pain. Your kitties must love you so much!
(When I threw out my back a year ago - I was flat out on the bed - and my cat layed next to me on his back too - it was almost like he knew!)
Kathy, I just got a chance to catch up and read your posts. I hope you soon start to feel better! There is nothing worse than back pain! Your grandchildren are so precious! Take good care of yourself. Blessings,Kathleen
Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about your back and how much pain you have been in. I'm behind on blog reading and trying to get caught up here today, so I didn't know till now that you weren't well. I know how severe back pain can be. I hope the medications you are taking will continue to ease the pain and that the Dr. was able to help you. Prayers going up for you, and I'm thinking of you, my friend.
Glad you got into the doctor though but you have a wonderful husband to take care of you like that :-D We are truly blessed though!
Thank-you all, and YES !!! I feel so much better that I was outside at 3 a.m. checking on my sheep and I have a new lamb! Yay, the first of the year. I was able to carefully take hay out to the mama by myself and allow my Hubby to sleep. I am being careful because I know without the meds I would feel very bad.And I after all, I do have a lot to get done !
Well, in one post you managed to turn yourself into a crazy cat lady AND your mother in law!
Reminds me of when I had that siatic problem during my first pregnancy -remember, my husband carrying me from the truck to the house because I couldn't walk?
We are SO glad you're feeling well again - MN is convinced it's because she prayed for you yesterday morning!
A.Joy, I think MN is right ! Plus all these other kind people who also prayed for me !
Very funny, I am now a " cat lady " and my Mother-in law. Guess it goes with the name !There are worse things......
I am sorry you have been laid low with back pain. I do want to express my appreciation for your sharing what's happening with you now, as I, too, have been unwell and unable to do things I want and need to do, and really I was beginning to despair, but somehow stumbling upon your blog for the first time, trying to distract myself from the pain, I felt much more hopeful and optimistic and less alone with my struggle. Again, thanks so much, I love all the pictures of your animals. We have poodles which look just like sheep!
Kathy, I am glad you got to the doctor. If you are like me, it takes major pain or illness to get me to go there. I pray that what she gave to you works, that you find relief soon.
Dayna, thank-you for leaving a comment. I looked you up and there was no-email so I will say here that I hope you are on your way to recovery. I will pray for you...as my little granddaughter said to me tonight, I am feeling better because she prayed for me! You know, I have often thought unclipped poodles look like sheep and there are some breeds of sheep when unshorn look like poodles. I actually had one large Lincoln sheep with beautiful silvery curls follow me around like a dog!
Mary, I am feeling better thanks to the doctor and the meds she prescribed. I forgot myself today and did too much because the meds disguise the real pain.....
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