~OWWWWWWW! This is how I have felt all day and no position, sitting, standing, or laying down felt good. So I pretty much spent the day in Hubby's recliner, accompanied by 2 cats, or on the sofa, accompanied by cats, or ...you get the picture. My back is killing me and I can't seem to get any relief!
~Hubby came home from work and found me carefully positioned in his recliner with a cat and he then proceeded to do all the chores I could not do today. I tried! So he brought in the fire wood, unloaded the feed from the car, and hauled buckets of water out to animals with ice in their waterers.
~I have so much to do....I don't have time for my back to rebel. I have been trying to do without any pain meds, but tonight I got out some pain pills left over from my last dental surgery and was feeling good enough to sit in a chair and read some blogs. I thought I would be able to read more and do some more comments but the pain is setting in, so I am going back to the sofa ( most comfortable place for me) and hope to get some sleep and feel better in the morning. I have 2 more pills left! If I take it easy tomorrow I should be O.K. I hope.....I am hobbling away, hope your day is a great day today!
Back pain is terrible! I hope you are feeling better very soon!
I am so sorry to hear about your back pain. I pray that with rest today that you will feel better soon. Take care friend.
Take care of that back! There is nothing worse. My hubby, when his back goes out it is weeks before everything is almost back to normal.
Take care!
oh Kathy, ugh back pain is so gross. Please let us know if we can help you.
Ouch, take care of yourself Kathy!
No fun at all! Kathy, that is about the only time a heating pad helps me with pain. Hope your last few pain pills, and rest, do the trick for you!
Take it easy Kathy! Poor baby! I'm glad the kitties are by your side! Are you putting some warm heat towels on it too?
Oh no, back pain is the absolute worst. I hope you are finding some relief.
Oh Kathy I'm so sorry about your back pain - it is so debilitating. Hooray for pain drugs - and incredible helpful husbands!
Hope you're feeling better soon! I can sympathize with that kind of pain. :-( Glad you have a hubby who will cheefully pick up the chores--isn't that such a blesing?
We hope your pain goes away very soon...hugs from us.
Oh Gosh... Nothing worse than back or neck pain. Do what ever it takes to heal up and we hope it's soon. Take care...
I'm sorry to hear about your back! I suffer back issues a lot due to a horse falling on me when I was a teenager. It is really hard to deal with when you have so many critters relying on you. Take care of yourself and I hope you are feeling better soon! No lambs yet???
Take it easy and take care of yourself. I'm sure your cats wish to comfort you, even if their presence isn't what you need right now. It has been my experience that pets I have had can seem to sense when I am not doing well. Hope the medication will get you feeling back to your old self again soon.
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