~I think today was a life changing day for me. I am still not sure just what has happened. All I know is my best buddy got me up early and I was so excited ! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I was gonna get to go to work with him today! I LOVE going to work with my buddy. I get to ride in the car, stick my nose into everything I can reach in his office. I get treats, especially from Barb! Barb loves to give me treats! Oh boy, oh boy! Let's go best Buddy, Master, Bringer of fun!This week I'll be 4 years old ! Maybe I will get birthday treats.....bacon and tennis balls!

~I am not sure just what happened, but my Buddy dropped me off somewhere else this morning and left me. Oh, I am a happy dog and thought I was gonna get to play with all the other dogs and cats and people in this new place. Yup, I'm gonna get to play! Oh boy, oh boy! Maybe there will be tennis balls and treats here.....the next thing I knew, someone was waking me up and handing me over to Kathy. I don't know what happened, but I was pretty happy to see her and then we got to go on another car ride! But this time I just felt like sleeping.I don't think I got to play with the other dogs and cats and I know I didn't get any treats from Barb......

~Something isn't quite right, not sure what. I still feel groggy, and they are keeping a big
ol' clown collar around my neck. They said something about no more puppies. Hey, I love to play with puppies...what do you mean...no more puppies?

~I feel a bit lighter in the end zone and something is missing, maybe I will figure it out tomorrow.~
~"A dog has one purpose in life. To bestow his heart. " JB Aukerly ~
What no replacement parts for Hawk?
You are such a talented writer - this post is so cute! Poor Hawk thinking he was gonna get treats and play with friends.
awww - the kindest cut of all, poor Hawk, life did change. There is a Far Side cartoon where the dog is hanging out of a car window bragging to his barnyard buddies "we're going to town and I'm gonna get tutored". As always your viewpoint is great - thanks -
My dog's life was altered in September, much against my wishes. Now, I realize how much less nervous and intense it has made my dog.I was frustrated by him several times before he was fixed. I am so happy now that he is a changed man and he seems to be also. I thought that writing from his point of view was so amusing.
I Hawk has a speedy recovery! My post is up today with links to your charming blog. Thank you for letting me feature it!
Is it bad that I giggled a bit as I read this post? I just love the way you express Hawk's excitement...and then confusion. Poor guy.
I had to chuckle at this Kathy.... he had no idea that morning what was going to hapeen to him!! *snicker snort*
Poor Hawk.....loved his story telling ability! Hope he is feeling better soon! blessings, Kathleen
Aw, poor girl...she's partless now. I'm sad about no more puppy pictures!
Lanny, I did read about fakes ( uh-hum, male parts) to allow your neutered male dog some self-esteem, but really now, bacon and tennis balls work fine for Hawk's happiness..so, no replacement parts for Hawk!
Mildred, I really did feel a little sorry for him. He loves to go to work with Hubby and must have been overjoyed to get in the car that morning.
LindaSue, I remember that Far Side !I am sure all Hubby has to do is take Hawk to work next week and this week will be forgotten.This dog just loves life and being with us....he is so much fun!
Southern Comfort, we were hesitant about neutering Hawk, he is a nice AKC registered Vizsla, he is very healthy, with a great temperament and he hunts..but we also do not want to raise any more puppies after years of raising AKC Labs, and we did not want to spay our almost 9 year old Lab, we had a bad experience spaying an old female years ago and our Mr. Hawk has shown us twice he is very creative and persistent about getting to our old girl.Plus, Hubby really needs Hawk to be more attentive when hunting, not chasing after every female dog he smells.We're hoping for the same results you have seen in your dog.
Miss Sandy, thank-you so much for the links and post ! Hawk is already acting like he is recovered and ready to go about his regular routine!
Wilson Clan, giggle away. Hawk is a fun dog who loves life and fun.....I don't think he does know what happened to him at all.That is the nice thing about dogs...life is great and they live in the moment!
Farm Chick Paula, Kathleen, Hawk is doing fine tonight! And Noble Pig, no...after years of raising puppies, we are retired. Puppies need someone to play with them and be here with them, and my Hubby is ready to travel some when he is able...puppies keep me home. ( Which I totally don't mind)plus, it is getting harder to let the puppies go!
Aw..poor Hawk. I imagine he has forgotten about it and gone on with his life by now, though. Much better for him and for you in the long run.
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