~There is nothing quite as tender and special as a new little baby, is there? I got a chance to see and hold my new little great-niece, youngest granddaughter to my sister. Baby J. She is so pretty, and her little fingers are so slender and feminine, and she is a perfect delight to her Mom and Dad, their first born. And my sister is over the moon happy about her!

~Onto other babies, sheep babies.....known as lambs. My lambs like to push rubber balls around. The balls are pushed around every day . Lambs play, did you know that? I have watched my lambs follow birds and wild bunnies around. Once I saw a lamb get almost nose to beak with a robin.

~She's butting the ball. I originally put balls in the pen for my ram, Goth. He rams the balls which sends the balls flying to the other side of his pen. He will run to catch up with the ball to ram it again. This seems to help him expend some energy and he enjoys the ramming.It also gives the trees and fences some relief from Goth.
Isn't spring glorious? Babies of all kind, ducklings, chicks, birds, lambs, nieces, grandchildren....
What a beautiful baby!
I did not know the lambs were so playful - that is cute about them playing ball.
You mentioned your cats destroying the catnip plants - you could plant some in a hanging basket and MAYBE that would keep them from destroying it!
Have a great spring day!
What a sweet baby! No, I'm not having fun with my niece and nephew yet since we don't leave until next Tuesday ( April 28th ).
Life is good when there are babies everywhere. And little lambs who are clever enough to play with a ball. This is a really happy, uplifting post.
Beautiful babies-a real joy of springtime. We keep thinking "a jungle gym" for the goats - but never get around to it. They do love to play with things - the big balls are wonderful but here - they'd blow away in our Texas windstorms!
Two beautiful daughters of the Most High...how blessed are you both!
Oh wow, the baby is adorable, congrats!
And the lamb with the ball is just smile-worthy!
That's okay about the timing of our trip, we'll have the GPS with us as well as trip tik, maps, and tour books. goatpod2@yahoo.com
Great picture with the lovely and adorable Baby J. ! Glad you got to see her! The lamb w/ the ball is cute.
Beautiful sister of mine, beautiful granddaughter of mine. Two great joys in my life.
Love sister Karen
All of them are adorable! :)
The baby is precious..beautiful.
Kathy, I never thought about rubber balls for the kids!
I have to admit your lambs are spectacular. We really enjoy the young ones, don't we?
I never cease to be amazed by the cycle of life.
I agree - Spring is Glorious!!!
Beautiful baby, it looks like you are enjoying her.
I love watching the lambs and seeing what they find to play with. Very imaginative :)
What a great idea! I wonder if my goats would like something like that, I bet they would! I loved the adorable pictures of the lamb playing with is ball this morning. Thank you for sharing them.
Babies of all kinds are such precious gifts to us. Loved the photo of the lamb playing with a ball. No, I didn't know they did that! What fun! :D
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