~See the little hummingbird sitting in the bush? This bush is a few feet from the hummingbird feeder hanging in front of our living room picture window.This little Rufous Hummingbird sits here to guard our feeder , HIS feeder. This little bird is really a ferocious flying jewel, intent on guarding the feeder! This little feathered jewel keeps almost all other hummingbirds away from the feeders by dive bombing them. You should hear the buzzing and whirring, right under and around us as we are outside weeding the flower beds directly under the feeder.

~This is the feeder that used to hang in front of our big window. The other night Hubby and I witnessed no less than 6, SIX!! hummingbirds fighting over this feeder, so Hubby suggested the feeder with 4 little places for the birds to feed. Maybe that would help?

~No way! This is the only little bird the ferocious defender of the nectar will allow to eat her fill of the nectar. A female, wouldn't you know?So, four opportunities for the teeny birds to feed at once, but our knight in ruby feathers will allow only her and himself!

~See? He dares you to test him! He might be small, but he is mighty and fearless, and strikingly beautiful. His red feathers shine so bright and red he seems to glow when the sun shines on his metallic like feathers. And we have this amazing show , free for our own personal viewing from the sofa in front of our picture window!Every day, all day, from dawn to dusk!
A beautiful presentation, no doubt. Nature is awesome. And for me at least, it is a peaceful thing.
Your greedy hummingbird is hilarious! And smart in sharing w/ the female!!
I just love hummingbirds! We have a large front porch and the hummingbirds come up to the feeders. We have never had more than one or two at a time. You are so fortunate to see as many as you have. While we were visiting Colorado Springs, Co, one year, a tourist stop had big feeders on their porch. We sat out and watched dozens of hummingbirds feed...they were not scared of anyone walking up. Such a treat to see. Blessings,Kathleen
I love your pictures and the description of the feisty little male who thinks he is a doberman! Our feeder is outside the kitchen window and the same type of antics go on here. Hummers must have missed the lesson on sharing!
Hummingbirds are truly fierce little creatures - and quite beautiful. at a resort in New Mexico they hang dozens of feeders and if you sat very still - the little flying jewels would come sit on your hat brim! God's creatures - endless amusing and amazing. Fun thanks Kathy!
I love to watch my little hummers, too, Kathy! They can be so territorial and ferocious, not to mention FAST!!
Amen to all that. Around here you can get a new ear drilled for yourself if your not careful and duck! Bet and I have both had our hair "fluffed" by these little guys.
Wow, I never such competition at the feeder existed. And yes, sharing with a female...hmmmm. Stinker.
Yes, hummingbirds are extremely territorial in nature,but there are some things you can do if you have one hummingbird who is constantly defending or guarding "their" feeder.
One suggestion is to hang a group of three or so feeders together. This will make it impossible for one hummingbird to guard all the feeders at the same time and the other birds will be able to feed.
Another suggestion is to have several feeders around your yard, but make sure that the feeders are out of sight of one another. That way the "bully" won't know when and where the other birds are feeding.
If you would like much more information about hummingbirds, please click the links below. The sites contain many articles about hummingbirds, video clips about hummingbirds, an informative tips booklet on hummingbirds, and much more.
Click Here To Visit About HummingbirdsHummingbirds For Mom
Thank you for this beautiful post. I love hummingbirds. I used to see them often when I lived in Georgia.
I love those little helicopter birds, Kathy. Nice photos. :)
I have the same hoggy problem with my hummingbirds. One always trys to hog the food and runs the others off.
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